DP&L hailed for restoration work

An association that represents U.S. investor-owned electric companies has given Dayton Power & Light (DP&L) an award for its role in helping restoration work after Hurricane Matthew in October 2016.

The award from the Edison Electric Institute (EEI) is presented twice per year to institute member companies to recognize “an outstanding response in assisting another electric company in power restoration efforts after service has been disrupted by severe weather conditions or other natural events,” the institute said in a release Wednesday.

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The winners were chosen by a panel of judges following an international nomination process, the institute said.

“Dayton Power & Light was instrumental in restoring service to customers in Florida and Georgia following Hurricane Matthew in October 2016,” the announcement said. “Company line-workers and other professionals responded rapidly to calls to assist with recovery operations from Florida Power & Light, Georgia Power, and Florida Public Utilities. Dayton Power & Light employees devoted more than 2,880 hours to helping to restore service.”

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“We are honored to be recognized for the prestigious EEI Emergency Assistance Award,” Joe Bentley, U.S. vice president of customer operations for DP&L parent AES Corp., said in the statement. “We take great pride in helping neighboring electric companies in times of need.”

“Dayton Power & Light’s crews quickly responded to the call to assist in the restoration efforts following Hurricane Matthew,” Institute President Tom Kuhn said.

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