$4 million sought for $25M fairgrounds redevelopment

The historic Roundhouse at the old Montgomery County Fairgrounds has always been emblematic of the site. The property’s new owners have said the building will be preserved or moved. LISA POWELL / STAFF

The historic Roundhouse at the old Montgomery County Fairgrounds has always been emblematic of the site. The property’s new owners have said the building will be preserved or moved. LISA POWELL / STAFF

The Dayton-Montgomery County Port Authority is seeking $4 million in state or federal funds in the $25 million redevelopment of the former Montgomery County Fairgrounds in South Dayton.

The effort could create up to 250 new jobs, the Port Authority says in an application to the Dayton Development Coalition’s regional process to prioritize local needs.

The project can be a “gateway to the nearby neighborhoods on both sides of the Great Miami River and southern suburbs. The site sits between two of the region’s largest employers, Miami Valley Hospital and the University of Dayton. The pace of development in this area since the late 1990s has been astounding,” the Port Authority wrote in the application.

The county fair, which called the 38-acre South Main Street property home for more than 100 years, has moved to a Dayton-Liberty Road park in Jefferson Twp.

The new owners of the former fairgrounds — the University of Dayton and Premier Health — have said the project is a “once-in-a-lifetime” opportunity.

RELATEDFive things to know about the Fairgrounds, new and old

To date, no funding has been appropriated for infrastructure or other development efforts for the site, the Port Authority said in its application.

The state did set aside $2.5 million to the Port Authority, which was used as part of the $15 million purchase/relocation package provided to the Montgomery County Agricultural Society to move the fair to its new location.

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“Transitioning a site that has been an agricultural county fairground since the 19th century – into a vibrant economic driver for the region and state – will require notable site preparation and infrastructure modernization and development,” the Port Authority said in its application.

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You can view the fairgrounds project and other ideas seeking taxpayer funding here. You can comment on the projects at PDAC@daytonregion.com.

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