Health Inspections: Burger King

Restaurant inspections.

Restaurant inspections.

Address: 605 W. Central Ave., Springboro

Date of inspection: April 25

Violations: Observed a handwashing sink without water at the required temperature. Observed mens bathroom sink that did not have hot water. To ensure proper cleaning of hands, a handwashing sink shall be equipped to provide water at a temperature of at least 100° F (thirty-eight degrees Celsius) through a mixing valve or combination faucet.

The plumbing system was not properly repaired. Observed leaking hot water heater. To prevent health hazards, a plumbing system shall be repaired according to the Ohio building code.

Comments: Received complaint that meat was not being cooked or held at proper temperature. Also received complaint that hand sink not meeting proper temperature. All meat is being cooked and held at proper temperature. All hand sinks have hot water except men's bathroom (which was turned off). Continue to work on cleaning facility and inspection will take place this summer.

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