Change allows taller buildings at Dayton-Wright Brothers Airport

The height restriction for buildings at Dayton-Wright Brothers Airport in Miami Twp. has been changed from 40 to 50 feet. TY GREENLEES / STAFF

The height restriction for buildings at Dayton-Wright Brothers Airport in Miami Twp. has been changed from 40 to 50 feet. TY GREENLEES / STAFF

Future buildings at the Dayton-Wright Brothers Airport may be taller.

The height restriction for structures at the general aviation airport operated by the city of Dayton has been changed from 40 to 50 feet.

RELATED: Airport awaiting word from FAA on runway extension

The move, which will not apply to future control towers, comes as Dayton International Airport officials are awaiting federal approval on a new master plan for the airport on Springboro Pike in Miami Twp.

It also comes at a time when airport and Miami Twp. officials have been discussing long-range plans for further development at the 527-acre site. There have been preliminary talks about expanding the Miami Twp.-Dayton Joint Economic Development District to include land in Washington Twp. east of the airport.

RELATED: Runway extension study set to go to feds

The airport is across the Austin Boulevard/Ohio 741 intersection from Austin Landing, just off the Interstate 75/Austin interchange.

The height restriction change was approved the Montgomery County Planning Commission and Miami Twp. Zoning Commission earlier this month.

Miami Twp. trustees on Tuesday night adopted the change.


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