An undercover detective began communicating with Kirkwood, who engaged in sexually explicit conversation and agreed to meet with who he thought was the 13-year-old girl at the Dayton Mall at Victoria’s Secret on June 8,
Kirkwood was arrested upon entering the mall and agreed to be interviewed by law enforcement. He stated he had chatted online with approximately 20 other female girls around the age of 13 and that he received and possessed child pornography on his home computer. A search of his residence also uncovered four pair of youth female underwear that appeared to have evidence of soiling.
Kirkwood faces 10 years to life in prison. He is scheduled for a detention hearing at 1:30pm on June 16 with U.S. Magistrate Judge Michael R. Merz.
Authorities ask anyone with information related to this case or believing they or others may have also been victimized by the Kirkwood to call 937-496-7191.
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