Educator Profile: Mark Brown, teacher, Brookville High School

Name: Mark Brown

Position: Brookville High School social studies teacher

Education: Columbus Walnut Ridge High School, bachelor's degree in secondary social studies education (The Ohio State University), MEd Curriculum and Instruction (Northern Arizona University), MA American History (Wright State University).

Where do you live? Englewood

Family: Wife and two high school age daughters

How long have you taught at Brookville? 30 years

What's your favorite thing about the community? (It's) comfortable, easy to get to know, generally supportive of community organizations including schools.

Describe your teaching philosophy in 10 words or less. Developing knowledge-based skills and consistency to empower productive individuals. (Hitting that 10 word limit was hard.)

What's your greatest achievement as a teacher so far? Seeing students succeed beyond high school. Helping students earn National Honor Society standards, scholarship money, and interscholastic academic and athletic awards.

What are your favorite hobbies? Traveling, reading, biking, children's activities.

What's your favorite movie or TV show? The Americans, Pardon The Interruption, and Brooklyn Nine-Nine.

Who would you most like to meet? Too many political, religious, military, and corporate leaders to choose from, so I'll go with Bruce Springsteen.

What is your favorite thing about teaching? The students (generally positive, energetic, and optimistic) and the subject (constantly changing information and perspectives) and the interaction between the two — basically - the 'A-HA' moment when students realize something new.

What do you do on snow-days? Catch up on grading, recording, revising lesson plans (state test and AP test dates don't change), catch up on TV shows, magazines, reading list, and take naps.

Favorite vacation spot: Grand Canyon (Married there and both children baptized there)

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