Notion of Fentanyl-laced marijuana prompts local warning

Local health officials are warning those in the Miami Valley of a dangerous drug combination, marijuana laced with fentanyl.

“The dealers are savvy and know how to get young people involved in drugs,” said Ann Stevens, spokesperson for Montgomery County Alcohol, Drug and Mental Health Services.  “Anytime there is a synthetic in any street drug it becomes dangerous.”

Fentanyl has led to numerous fatal drug overdoses in the Miami Valley and while health officials are warning of its mixture with marijuana, local law enforcement said they have not had any confirmed cases.

RELATED: Task force seizes 66 pounds of heroin, fentanyl, marijuana in raids

Area police said they are continuing to be on the lookout as the areas highway systems often provide ways for drugs dealers to enter communities.

“I just don’t think it is something to joke about.  I think it is very serious,” said Fabrizzio Arenas, a Dayton resident who said she recently lost friends due to the opiod epidemic.

RELATED: Officer’s overdose leads to public health warning

Stevens said the new mixture is all the more reason for parents to keep close watch over their child’s behavior.

“They really need to look deeper into their child’s behavior,” Stevens said.  “You may not think your child is doing drugs, but you’d be surprised.”

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