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Craft beer has been growing in recent years, with the total economic impact up $510 million from 2014.
Ohio ranks seventh among states with the largest economic impact and fourth in craft beer production.
The report found the industry accounted for the equivalent of 15,762 full-time jobs in Ohio, with an average wage of $47,582.
The Ohio Craft Brewers Association says there are 88 known breweries in planning. There are 244 breweries now open, including 49 new so far in 2017.
For the U.S., craft beer had a $67.8 billion economic impact and led to the equivalent of 456,373 full-time jobs, with 128,768 of those jobs directly at breweries and brewpubs.
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The association said “the data underscores that small and independent craft brewers continue to grow as a powerful economic engine that contributes to businesses and healthy communities in each and every state.”
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