Patrol: Higher speed limit leads to spike in crashes, fatalities

Credit: DaytonDailyNews

Crashes and fatalities spiked after Ohio increased the speed limit to 70 mph on hundreds of rural interstates and freeways, according to an Associated Press report.

The Ohio State Highway Patrol released a report Thursday that said there was a 24 percent increase in crashes, including 22 percent more fatal and injury crashes, on 70 mph roads since the state went to the faster limit four years ago, according to the AP.

» READ MORE: Patrol launches efforts to curb fatal crashes in Greene County 

Here in the Miami Valley, 70 mph speed limits were established on portions of I-70, U.S. 40, U.S. 68 and Ohio 4 in Clark County. Interstate 71 through part of Warren County was also increased to 70 mph.

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