Vandalia arts fund seeking grant applicants

This metal sculpture was the most recent art piece added to the Vandalia Art Park. CONTRIBUTED

This metal sculpture was the most recent art piece added to the Vandalia Art Park. CONTRIBUTED

VANDALIA – The Vandalia Cultural Arts Advisory Committee is looking to provide support to activities, programs, performances and organizations that increase understanding and exposure and awareness for the arts.

Related: Metal sculptor to add to Art Park

The Cultural Arts Fund will provide up to $7,500 in a grant fund for 2017.

“The purpose of the Vandalia Cultural Arts Fund is to advance and support artistic and cultural activities, programs, performances and organizations for the benefit of the Citizens of Vandalia, Ohio,” according to the city’s website.

To be eligible for the grant, project or event must be a non-profit, support an artistic and cultural activities, programs and performances. The project or event must take place between July 1, 2017 and June 30, 2018.

Related: Vandalia releases schedule for municipal building art exhibits

Restrictions on the grant include any event or organizations outside of Ohio, activities outside the designated timeline, multi-year grants, capital expenditures for facilities or equipment, or general operating expenses.

There will also have six review criteria, including project quality, project evaluation, appropriate budget, ability to complete and manage project, project impact and benefit, and requirements after funding.

The application deadline is Friday, Feb. 3, 2017. Seven sets of application and all required materials will need to be submitted. Mail or hand-deliver package to Vandalia Cultural Arts Advisory Committee, c/o City of Vandalia, 333 J.E. Bohanan Memorial Drive, Vandalia, OH 45377.

Applications are available on the Vandalia city website. No handwritten applications will be accepted.

For more information, applicants can contact Julie Trick at 937-415-2256.


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