Miamisburg, Miami U. grad takes oath as Miami Twp. trustee

Miami Twp. Trustee Eric Flasher will fill the unexpired term of Robert Matthews Jr., who resigned last month. NICK BLIZZARD/STAFF

Miami Twp. Trustee Eric Flasher will fill the unexpired term of Robert Matthews Jr., who resigned last month. NICK BLIZZARD/STAFF

Miami Twp.’s newest trustee is now officially on the job.

Miamisburg High School and Miami University graduate Eric Flasher, appointed to replace Robert Matthews Jr. last month, took his oath of office Tuesday night. Flasher will serve out the seat’s unexpired term, which runs through the end of the year.

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The 53-year-old said he plans to run for election in November after being the trustees’ top pick among four candidates interviewed for the job, which will pays about $20,000 annually.

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Matthews resigned in late March to avoid any potential conflict of interest after accepting a job with Frost Brown Todd, LLC, a firm the township contracts with.


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