Reddit review: You asked, and Reds GM Dick Williams answered (most) fans’ questions

So, with the second half of the MLB season about to crank up this evening when the Reds take on the Nationals, perhaps you're wondering what team officials have in mind, like, you know, do they want to sign All-Star shortstop Zack Cozart, let him become a free agent or trade him by the deadline?

Cincinnati president of baseball operations and general manager Dick Williams got on-line and took questions from fans for more than half an hour, and while he didn’t offer finite detail in every answer, he did shed light on some interesting topics. Here’s a sample of fans’ questions, and Williams’ answers:


Are you guys considering extending Cozart in Cincinnati? Would he bring that big of a return if traded?

Do you see [closer Rasiel] Iglesias as a key part in the Reds future? What would the Nats need to offer to send him to DC?

Williams:  We have discussed some things with Cozy. I don't know about the return. He is obviously a valuable player but you have to have the right team with the right need. Just because we read online that a team would be a great fit doesn't mean their GM thinks so. Iglesias is under control at affordable salaries for several more years so I see him as an important part of our success.


When do you think we'll be able to see [AA third baseman Nick] Senzel in the majors?

Bottom of Form

Williams: I think Nick can play up here pretty soon but we have the luxury of taking our time with his development. He has already hit 4 levels in two years. I think there is a huge benefit to being in a stable environment so I would like to think he will be in Double A the rest of this year - where he can get in a groove and develop strong relationships with the other players there.

What are your quick thoughts on prospects TJ Friedl and Taylor Trammell? Other than Senzel and Greene, those may be the two I'm most interested in.

Williams: Trammell is a unique physical talent and the coaches say he is an incredibly fast learner. We have very high expectations for him. He is already doing very well in Dayton for his age. An amazing football player that will translate his athleticism into baseball. Friedl is excellent at doing everything well - very fundamentally sound - runs good routes, gets bunts down, plays hard. he will get the most out of his abilities. a great teammate.

Votto, Cozart, Donkey trio bobblehead.


Williams: They don't let me over on the creative side very often so I don't know if they have one planned. watch out for the little brown plastic pile behind the donkey though!

It seems the Reds front office is continuing to become more advanced in Sabermetrics, which is a good thing to most of us. What in your opinion is the single most important stat to look at for a hitter and also for a pitcher?

Williams: Strike zone discipline for both is critical. Look at the positive impact that patience had on Cozart and Suarez. Obviously, Votto is the best. If Hamilton and Peraza can improve in that area, I really think it will help them. Obviously, our pitchers have to throw more quality strikes. Walks are killers and I really want us to cut down on them.

Dick, I have been a huge fan of your work with the rebuild so far. Please stay the course. Any chance [pitcher] Scott Feldman gets an extension for next year to help the rotation's young guys?

Williams: Thanks - we are committed to the course. I think we need to give our pitchers the rest of this season to have a better idea of where we are headed into next season before we extend anybody.

Thanks for taking the time to do this! Will [first-round draft choice] Hunter Greene be heading to Billings or Goodyear?

Williams: Both. Goodyear first to get throwing and to become familiar with our operation and our staff there. He probably won't play in many AZL games, if any. And then he will head to Billings to join that team that has gotten off to a nice start.

When Todd Frazier was the only ray of hope we had in an entire season by winning the Home Run Derby, and we immediately sent him packing, it really left a bad taste in my mouth. Are we going to do the same to Cozart?

Williams: Trading popular players is the toughest part of this sport. Unfortunately, players only have value to other teams when they are playing well. So, we had to trade Todd while he had value in order to (1) save money to invest in the rest of the team and (2) acquire good young talent for the future. We discussed an extension with Todd and his agent and I can assure that was not a road we ultimately would have wanted to go down. Trading him gave him an opportunity to go to a club that was focused on winning in the short term and had the money to afford him.

It was a great trade!(Bringing outfielder Scott Schebler and infielders Jose Peraza and Brandon Dixon to the Reds.)

It was a great baseball move, Dick. One of your better moves so far!

Yeah but the thing is. That trade turned out really good.. have you seen Todd's stats?

Exactly. May have been a tough move to swallow, but at the same time it was a very smart baseball move. We fans have to understand that.

Good Afternoon, what's your take on Skyline Chili?

This is a scary question for him to answer.

Williams: I grew up devouring skyline chili - usually with mountain dew. my stomach can't handle it so much anymore. but i love when they serve it in press dining. i totally get why outsiders can't stand it. they are expecting something that it isn't!

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