Trump grumbles about the polls - especially from Fox News

As President Donald Trump returned to the White House following a summer break at his golf retreat in New Jersey, the President teed off on Fox News, expressing aggravation again with Fox News polls that showed him trailing some of the top Democrats running for President.

"My worst polls have always been from Fox," the President told reporters on Sunday. "There's something going on at Fox, I'll tell you right now."

"Fox is a lot different than it used to be," Mr. Trump added, taking aim at their news division, but not the stable of conservative talk show hosts who have stood by him over the last three years.

Asked about the most recent poll from Fox News - which showed him trailing the top tier of 2020 candidates for President - Mr. Trump was succinct.

"I don't believe it," he said.

"Despite all of the Fake News, my Poll Numbers are great," the President tweeted on Monday morning, as he blasted one of his former aides, Anthony Scaramucci, who had just been on CNN talking about finding someone to challenge Mr. Trump.

The President hasn't always been sour on polls from Fox News - as when the Fox polls have good numbers, then they are fine, and absolutely correct.

"Fox Poll say best Economy in DECADES!" the President tweeted in July.

"New Fox Poll: 58% of people say that the FBI broke the law in investigating Donald J. Trump," Mr. Trump tweeted back in May.

But sometimes the numbers just aren't good enough.

"President Trump’s Approval Rating on Economy is at 52%, a 4 point jump," Mr. Trump tweeted about a Fox Poll in July.

"Shouldn’t this be at 100%?" he added.

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The latest Fox News poll also had some challenging findings for the President and Republicans on the issue of guns.

"In the wake of two mass shootings, overwhelming and bipartisan majorities of voters favor background checks on gun buyers and taking guns from people who are a danger to themselves or others, according to the latest Fox News Poll," the network wrote in describing the poll's findings.

On Sunday, the President appeared to threaten Fox News over their poll findings, and the network's place in any 2020 Presidential debates.

"I think Fox is making a big mistake. Because, you know, I'm the one that calls the shots on that -- on the really big debates," Mr. Trump said.

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