White House doc: Trump tests negative for Coronavirus


The White House released a letter Saturday evening which said President Donald Trump was not infected with the Coronavirus, as major economic and societal upheaval grew in Europe and the United States.

"This evening I received confirmation that the test is negative," said Sean Conley, the President's physician.

The news came amid more signs that multiple people who were at the President's Mar-a-Lago resort either had tested positive for the Coronavirus, the latest a 41-year old man from Orlando, Florida.

Also at Mar-a-Lago was a top aide to the President Brazil; that assistant tested positive, and was shown in a photo standing with President Trump.

As the President announced his test, GOP officials were still waiting to hear if the head of the national party, Ronna McDaniel, had tested positive for the Coronavirus. She also was at Mar-a-Lago last weekend.

Earlier on Saturday, the President said he was considering domestic travel restrictions to cut down on the spread of the virus.

"We don't want a lot of people getting infected," the President said in the White House Briefing Room. "We want it to end, and end as quickly as possible."

Mr. Trump also said travel restrictions on flights from Europe would be extended to the United Kingdom and Ireland, which were left out of his original thirty day order.

"They've had a little bit of activity, unfortunately," Mr. Trump said, as cases have gone up in the U.K.

Meanwhile, the Governor of Florida urged the President to consider limiting domestic air passenger flights, worried those are bringing the virus to the Sunshine State.

"Now we're starting to see it being brought in from other states, primarily New York," Gov. Ron DeSantis said of the Coronavirus.

Along with calls for travel restrictions, elected officials across the country were urging people to stop gathering at restaurants and bars, worried that younger people were passing the disease.

"PLEASE stop crowding bars, restaurants, and public spaces right now," Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) wrote on Twitter. "Eat your meals at home."

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