Holly Hills, a once-popular golf course in Warren County, closed in late 2013. The 226-property is up for sale and redevelopment.
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Land-use future: The land is zoned for recreational use. Wayne Twp. applied to the Warren County Regional Planning Commission to designate part for mixed use: commercial-industrial and part for rural residential use on its future land use map. The commission recommended the township leave it as is.
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Pros and cons: The land backs onto the west bank of the Little Miami River on U.S. 42, south of the Ohio 73 intersection and southeast of Waynesville in Warren County. The Red Stewart Airfield is across the road. But there is no nearby sewer hookup, which is needed before business or dense residential development can be accomplished. Warren County has taken over Waynesville's sewer plant in the area.
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Sale information: Realtor Tony Vanjohnson said buyers could reopen it as a golf course or acquire it for future development. The county values the 226.6 acres at just under $1.9 million. VanJohnson said they were asking for $2.5 million.
What's next? Township Administrator Gus Edwards said there would be public hearings on the land use by the local zoning commission and trustees before a decision by the trustees. He said the township wanted to get the use changed on the county map as a first step toward positioning it for redevelopment.
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