See how Montgomery County median income and poverty rate changed since 2007



Households in Montgomery County are bringing in more slightly income than they did last year, though the typical family still has less income than 2000.

U.S. Census data released today shows the median household income in Montgomery County is $47,755, compared to $45,394 the year prior.

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Median household income   
Butler $53,133 $59,652 $64,023
Clark$43,109 $44,154 $46,665
Greene $56,859 $61,116 $67,923
Miami$49,870 $53,432 $60,910
Montgomery$43,237 $45,394 $47,755
Warren$69,046 $76,200 $84,130
*Data not available for some counties with small populations   
Source: U.S. Census Bureau's American Community Survey   

However, the median household income in Montgomery County took a double-digit hit since the 2000 Census, according to data compiled by Your Voice Ohio, a journalism collaborative that Dayton Daily News participates in.

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Median household income since 2000 U.S. Census   
County2017 median household income% change 1999-2017Inflation-adjusted dollar change
Butler $64,023-9.4% $(6,649.47)
Clark $46,665-21.6% $(12,871.96)
Greene $67,923-5.4% $(3,887.37)
Miami$60,910-6.4% $(4,189.55)
Montgomery$47,755-19.4% $(11,510.40)
Warren $84,130-1.6% $(1,400.14)
Source: Census Bureau, 1970, 1980, 1990 and 2000 censuses and the American Community Survey, 2005-16, compiled by David Knox  

The Montgomery County poverty rate is still higher than it was before the Great Recession, the data shows. But it has dropped from 18.5 percent to 16 percent from 2016 to 2017.

Poverty rate change since 2007      
New U.S Census data shows uneven poverty rate changes over the last decade.      
CountyPeople in poverty 2007Poverty rate 2007People below poverty 2016Poverty rate 2016People in poverty 2017Poverty rate 2017
Butler 42,72312.40%49,13413.60%38,64610.50%
Greene 12,5008.80%19,92912.80%15,3459.70%
*Data not available for some counties with small populations      
Source: U.S. Census Bureau's American Community Survey      

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