Time Warner to air ads about fee dispute with cable networks, broadcasters

Time Warner Cable Inc. will advertise in markets across the country this week in an attempt to persuade viewers that fees cable operators pay television stations and cable networks for the right to carry broadcast programming are increasing the monthly charges to cable customers.

The ads on Time Warner cable networks and in newspapers where the company operates will begin as soon as Thursday, Nov. 26, in some markets and on Friday in southwestern Ohio, Time Warner spokesman Mike Pedelty said. The ads will be Time Warner’s effort to explain to customers how increased fees that cable operators are paying for the right to rebroadcast over-the-air and cable programming contribute to higher charges for cable customers, Pedelty said Wednesday.

The fees for rebroadcasting rights on cable reflect the fact that televised sports and shows cost money, and represent programming that cable customers want to watch, said Dennis Wharton, a spokesman for the National Association of Broadcasters.

A 1992 federal law gives broadcasters the right to negotiate with cable operators for such compensation, Wharton said.

These disputes between cable operators and TV broadcasters aren’t new. WDTN-TV Channel 2, Dayton’s NBC network affiliate, was removed from Time Warner Cable’s Dayton market service for most of October 2008 because of a contract issue between Time Warner and WDTN’s owner, LIN TV Corp. WDTN was restored to the Dayton market cable offerings at the end of October when the companies resolved the dispute.

Consumers can visit www.rolloverorgettough.com to voice their concerns about the issue.