Upper Valley Career Center builds $1.2M vet tech center

A rendering shows the new vet tech building under construction at UVCC. CONTRIBUTED

A rendering shows the new vet tech building under construction at UVCC. CONTRIBUTED

A Miami Valley career center is adding a $1.2 million expansion for its new vet tech program.

Piqua-based Upper Valley Career Center, which serves students in Miami and Shelby counties as well as open enrolls additional students, launched the vet tech program this year after three years of research.

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The two-year program will prepare students to work in veterinary offices or related jobs in the agriculture industry, preparing the workforce in the Miami Valley. The program, which can take 25 students, is close to full.

“It’s a result of approximately three year’s of research. When we launch a new program, we look at the region we serve and what the needs are in business and industry,” said Pat Gibson, director of business operations at the school.

The school is building a new 6,200-square-foot stand alone building on the campus to house the program, which for now has been in small alternate locations in the school.

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The school’s goal is to occupy the new building by mid-January, said Gibson, which has 900 students on the main campus and serves about 3,000 students through satellite locations.


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