NATIONAL TRAIL ALUMNI CAR SHOW, registration 10 a.m. to noon, National Trail High School, 6940 Oxford Gettysburg Road, New Paris. Entry fee $10. All cars, trucks, motorcycles welcome. Food, music, door prizes, 50/50. Top 20 awards, awards 3 p.m. All proceeds go to alumni scholarship. 937-533-7166; www.ntalumniassociation.com; Facebook – The Official National Trail Alumni Page
FRIDAY NIGHT KETTERING CRUISE-IN, 5 p.m. to dark, Kettering Towne Center at Dorothy Lane and Woodman Drive, through Sept. 13. Everything on wheels welcome. DJ, food. Robin, 937-620-6406
MAY 18
16TH ANNUAL CORVETTE JUDGING MEET, held by the Miami Valley Chapter of the National Corvette Restorers Society (NCRS), judging starts at 9 a.m., indoors at Voss Chevrolet Collision Center, 100 Loop Road, Centerville. Open to the public. Come see firsthand how Corvettes are judged. Cars registered for NCRS flight judging will be judged on both originality and condition. Cars registered for NCRS concours judging will be judged only on condition, not necessarily on originality.
Cars being flight judged will receive a top flight blue ribbon award (94-100 percent original condition), a second flight red ribbon award (85-93.9 percent original condition), or a third flight white ribbon award (75-84.9 percent original condition). Cars being concours judged for condition only, not necessary for originality, will receive either a blue ribbon (94-100 percent) or a red ribbon (85-93.9 percent). No award will be given for cars scoring below 85 percent when being concours judged.
Owners of Corvettes being judged must be a member of NCRS and must register by May 4 deadline. Register at NCRS.org.
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