Voter Guide: Franklin Township Trustee

Voter Guide



Voter Guide

The Dayton Daily News, Springfield News-Sun and Journal-News invited local candidates to fill out the following questionnaire to inform readers.


Shane Centers

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Education: M.B.A, Wright State University; B.S. in finance, Wright State University; Franklin High School

Current Employment: Finance, General Mills Inc

Community Involvement: Warren County Rural Zoning Commission (2016 - 2018); Franklin Planning Commission (2010 - 2013); Franklin Civil Service Commission (2009 - 2013)

Why are you seeking elected office? I initially ran for office to fulfill my desire to serve my community and work to make it a better place. I’m running for reelection to continue the success our board has made maximizing services while using minimal tax dollars.

Why should voters elect you? Over the last four years, we have worked to remove excess spending and boost services wherever possible. The township used to operate via paper; now everything from department work orders to trustee meeting packets is digital. The residents are continuing to receive great services from the township, and we haven’t had to increase taxes.

If elected, what will be your top three priorities? Continued fiscal responsibility; preventing annexation of unincorporated areas: strategic planning for the township.

What specific plans do you have to address those top priorities? I will continue to be a good steward of your tax dollars and watch every penny spent. We have a Joint Economic Development District planned in Hunter that will foster growth and prevent annexation. We also have long-term plans drafted for improving multiple township properties such as the administration building campus and Hunter Park. We continue to apply for grants and budget capital to improve these assets for the future.

Anything else? Feel free to contact me with any further questions and I ask for your vote on Nov. 2!

Matt Jennings

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Education: I obtained my Bachelor’s degree in criminal justice from Tiffin University. I also have an Associate’s degree of human resource management from the Community College of the Air Force.

Current Employment: I am a human resource manager for the Department of the Air Force at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base.

Community Involvement: Warren County Regional Planning Commission Board; Warren County Township Association; Warren County Combined Health District Advisory Council; Ohio High School Athletic Association umpire and official; American Legion Department of Ohio; Air Force Sergeants Association

Why are you seeking elected office? I am seeking reelection as a Franklin Township trustee so that I may continue my roles and responsibilities as a trustworthy and hardworking community servant. I will continue to give back to Franklin Township and put in the work needed to sustain and positively shape this amazing community.

Why should voters elect you? For over 30 years, I have worked, attended school and lived in Franklin Township. I truly love this community, and it is my home. I am invested as an active member with township committees, by participating in community events, and working with governmental entities and businesses for the greater good of the township. My mission is always to be a great financial steward of every taxpayer dollar. I will continue to seek grant funding and keep Franklin Township a financially friendly place to work and reside as long as I am trustee. I take great pride in being a true fiscal conservative. I will continue to work diligently with the board of trustees on economic development, infrastructural needs and township properties. The township’s administration, roadways, cemetery, parks and fire department are and will be my priority.

If elected, what will be your top three priorities? My top three priorities are roadways, economic development and improving township properties (parks, cemetery, and buildings). Franklin Township has current and future planning in motion. I will continue to be a champion to address these top priorities and seek the best possible outcome.

What specific plans do you have to address those top priorities? My first priority is the township’s roadways. We are a community with over 50 miles of aging roadways (including bridges) within the rural areas, neighborhoods and Woodhill Cemetery. Safe and structurally sound roadways and bridges are a must for the entire township. My second priority is the township’s economic development. During my tenure of being on the board of trustees, we continue to lay the groundwork by purchasing property on Sharts Road and working with the city of Middletown for a Joint Economic Development District. The Sharts Road property is adjacent to I-75 and will be a premier location for future business. The JEDD is a community partnership by creating and preserving jobs, and to improve the township’s economic welfare. My final priority is to improve our township properties which consists of the parks, cemetery and buildings. Similar to our roadways, we have aging facilities and other infrastructural needs. These areas include Franklin Township (Hunter) Park, O’Neal Park, Woodhill Cemetery, Fire Station 19, Fire Station 20, the road department building and the administration building. My plan for all of these priorities is to seek grant funding, work with government or corporate entities, as well as other fiscally responsible means to address the township properties, roadways, and improve economic development.

Anything else? I grew up in Franklin Township (Hunter), graduated from Franklin High School, and currently reside in Carlisle – I will always act in the best interest of the Franklin Township residents. I am loyal and will give my all to make Franklin Township a great place to live, work and enjoy. I would appreciate your vote on Nov. 2, 2021, to continue this incredible opportunity.

Michael Roe II

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Education: Cedarville University, Northern Kentucky University, business

Current Employment: Director at Kingdom Sports Center

Community Involvement: Youth leader at Community Harvest Church, vacation bible school director, endorsed by Warren County Right to Life

Why are you seeking elected office? To make America Godly again. I am running to bring a Christian conservative mindset to Franklin Township, to make smart fiscal and financial decisions in our great township.

Why should voters elect you? I am ready to make a difference in the community at the highest level, going above and beyond my position as an elected official. I am the only candidate that is endorsed by Warren County Right to Life, Warren Counties largest pro-life organization. I am prepared to do my part to save America first values in Franklin Township. I am against vaccine mandates. I am against mask mandates. I support the 2nd Amendment right to bear arms. I am pro-life to the furthest extent. I am against critical race theory and LGTBQ+ being taught in our public school system. I support law enforcement and first responders. I am a fiscal conservative. I support a full forensic audit of the 2020 election. I vow to keep property values up and taxes down. I am endorsed by U.S. Senate candidate Josh Mandell. I am endorsed by state Rep. Jennifer Gross, House Bill 248 Sponsor. I am endorsed by Warren County Right to Life.

If elected, what will be your top three priorities? 1. Be a good steward of our taxpayers dollars. 2. Fight to keep property values up and taxes down. 3. Fight for our freedoms.

What specific plans do you have to address those top priorities? Transparency. The people of Franklin Township deserve to see where our tax dollars go. I will support keeping our community safe by continuing to build a stronger police force and first responders. By promoting quality streets, schools, properties and more, our township will prosper by increasing in value, while I pledge to keep taxes down.

Anything else? My family owns Kingdom Sports Center in Franklin, Ohio. We live in Franklin Township and are blessed to live in this great community. It is time for me to give back to my community. I will do everything in my power to push an America first agenda, bringing back Godly values to Franklin Township, to protect our individual liberties and freedoms, while being fiscally conservative on taxes. I appreciate your vote this Nov 2. I am ready to stand for truth and fight for the freedoms that so many want to strip from us. I support your choice to choose what is best for you and your family always.