VOTER GUIDE: Ohio Secretary of State

Vote today Tuesday Nov. 2, 2021. MARSHALL GORBY\STAFF

Vote today Tuesday Nov. 2, 2021. MARSHALL GORBY\STAFF

The Dayton Daily News, Springfield News-Sun and Journal-News invited local candidates to fill out the following questionnaire to inform readers.


John Adams

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John Adams

City: Sidney

Education: Military, Navy SEAL Team Three (‘83-’87); attended Mesa Community College

Employment: Small business owner

Community involvement: Ohio House of Representatives (eight years)

Why are you seeking elected office? To restore to the voters of Ohio election security. Our current secretary of state does not support a single government photo I.D. to vote. Frank LaRose allowed $7,518,652 of “ZuckerBucks” from Mark Zuckerberg (Facebook) to influence the 2020 election. He ignored the Ohio Constitution and his oath of office when he illegally shut down the 2020 primary. Frank LaRose does not represent the constitutional conservative Republican values of Ohio.

Why should voters elect you? I am the clear constitutional conservative choice for secretary of state.

If elected, what will be your top three priorities? In my effort to reduce fraud in our election process: 1. Mandatory photo I.D. 2. A complete forensic audit of our processes 3. Terminate secretary of state contract with ERIC and clean the voters roles, find fraud and prosecute fraud.

What specific plans do you have to address those top priorities? See voter guide at:

Anything else you would like voters to know? When your receive the GOP Slate-Card -- ”Just throw it away!” Do your homework. We are ranked 21st of 50 states by the Heritage Foundation for election security. Ohio needs secure elections, you can trust your vote with a tested, veteran Navy SEAL.

Frank LaRose

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Frank LaRose

City: Columbus

Education: Ohio State University (2004-2008), Bachelor’s degree in consumer affairs and business

Employment: U.S. Army, 101st Airborne (1997-2001); U.S. Army Special Forces, Green Berets (2001-2007); state senator for 27th District (2010-2018); Ohio Secretary of State (2019-current); U.S. Army Reserve, Green Beret (2021-current)

Community involvement: Fairlawn Veterans of Foreign Wars, Jr. Vice Commander (2009-current); Ohio History Connection, board member (2011-2018); Boy Scouts of America Great Trail Council, executive board member (2009-current); Northern Ohio Italian American Foundation, member (2009-current).

Why are you seeking elected office? While serving overseas I had the opportunity to see people risk their lives to vote for the first time, and this made a profound impact on me. When I came back home, I decided to run for state senate to continue my service, and when I took office I became the go-to legislator on elections issues. I’m running for re-election to build on the work that I’ve done as Ohio’s Secretary of State. Over the course of my first term, we’ve modernized the office in key areas, including cyber security and campaign finance transparency, facilitated a record number of business filings for Ohio’s entrepreneurs, and carried out Ohio’s most successful election in state history. With another term in office, I will work to further modernize our elections and advocate for our entrepreneurs. I want to continue my service and make Ohio the best it can be so my three little girls can grow up in a state with a thriving democracy, prosperous economy, and a bright future full of opportunity.

Why should voters elect you? Across the country, our elections have never been under greater scrutiny. In Ohio, under my leadership we’ve proven to be a national leader in election administration and election integrity. With enormous headwinds of a once-in-a-lifetime pandemic and an extraordinarily polarizing presidential election, we carried out Ohio’s most secure and successful election in its history. The nearly 6 million votes cast in last year’s general election were 200,344 more than the all-time record of 5.7 million set in the 2008 general election. The rate of rejected absentee ballots — for mistakes made by the voter — was reduced from the historic average of about 1% to 0.42%. Just as with my service in the military, when it comes to running Ohio’s elections, I have a sense of mission. In turbulent times like 2020, I provided steady, strong leadership along with our bipartisan boards of election — and regardless of if your favorite candidate won or lost, Ohioans knew we had a fair election.

If elected, what will be your top three priorities? 1. Continue Ohio’s record of secure elections — Election integrity requires constant vigilance. While in my first term, we worked to modernize county board of election cyber security and infrastructure, root out mis- and disinformation, and continually maintain accurate voter lists; there’s more that we must do to build on this record of success. 2. Further modernize our system of voting — Since my time in the legislature, I’ve been advocating for online absentee ballot requests. As secretary of state, I’ve advocated for a more secure and accessible approach to voter registration and absentee ballot requests. In my second term, I’ll work to bring ideas like these to fruition. 3. Encouraging entrepreneurship and supporting small business — As the front door to new businesses in Ohio, we’ve helped facilitate record numbers of new business filings. I’ll continue to make the office welcoming and supportive for entrepreneurs and advocate for pro-growth reforms to boost Ohio’s free market economy.

What specific plans do you have to address those top priorities? On election security and integrity, my office can be a hub of information and resources for voters who have concerns about their vote or information they’re receiving during election season. As I embark on a second term, I’ll work to further these initiatives within the office and build out these resources for voters. Over my first term, I’ve worked with the legislature on various elections-related bills. There currently remains bills at the Statehouse which would provide for a secure, modernized voter registration process and online absentee ballot requests. I will continue working with the legislature in a bipartisan fashion to get these bills across the finish line for Ohio voters.

Anything else you would like voters to know? I’ve worked hard over the past three and a half years to make Ohio’s elections secure, fair and accessible. My military experience has taught me a lot about putting the mission first — and I’ve brought that to my leadership of this office and built a record of success. I also have a clear vision to build on our accomplishments and take this office to the next level for Ohioans. I’m honored to have a diverse base of support from business and labor groups, and from individuals across the state who believe we can accomplish more by working together. Ultimately, voters don’t want a partisan activist –— on either side of the aisle — as their next secretary of state. They want someone who will faithfully execute the law, put service over self and keep our elections fair, secure and accessible. The opportunity to continue to serve as Ohio’s Secretary of State would be an honor that I would not take lightly. If you choose me again for this important job, I’ll work hard to make you proud.