Judge acquits Warren County man in child sex case

A Clearcreek Twp. man was acquitted of child sex crimes, but his attorney says reputational harm may linger.

Warren County Common Pleas Judge Robert Peeler found 41-year-old Robert D. Jarrell not guilty Thursday of two counts of gross sexual imposition following a three-day bench trial, or trial by judge.

“Thankfully he has been exonerated,” said Jarrell’s attorney, Charles M. Rittgers, who said his client was “falsely accused of a heinous, egregious act.”

The Warren County Prosecutor’s Office did not immediately respond to a request for comment in the case.

Jarrell was accused of having sexual contact with a child younger than 12 between Oct. 1 and Nov. 30, 2022. He originally also was indicted for rape, but Peeler dismissed that charge.

Rittgers alleged there were multiple false accusations against Jarrell and people associated with him starting in 2019 that “didn’t make sense.”

“I think it’s a tragedy that the case got to a trial,” he said.

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