Retired teacher charged in Greene County child porn case

A retired schoolteacher is facing nearly two dozen child pornography-related charges.

Thomas R. Shafer Jr., 61, of Beavercreek Twp., pleaded not guilty to 23 counts of pandering obscenity involving a minor during his Dec. 30, 2022, arraignment hearing in Greene County Common Pleas Court.

The charges involve incidents alleged to have occurred between March 15 and June 10 of last year, according to his indictment.

Greene County Prosecutor David Hayes said he cannot discuss the specifics of the allegations while the case is pending.

A message was left with his attorney for comment.

Shafer is free on his own recognizance. A pretrial hearing is scheduled for Tuesday, and a May 15 jury trial has been set in his case, court records show.

Shafer retired in 2014 from West Carrollton City Schools, the district confirmed, where he worked as a high school English teacher.

Following his retirement, his teaching license expired, also in 2014, according to the Ohio Department of Education website.

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