Riverside woman accused of chasing teen in car, hitting him with ball bat


Credit: FILE

Credit: FILE

A Riverside woman is accused of chasing a 17-year-old boy with her car last summer and then striking him with a baseball bat because she believed he broke into vehicles on her street.

Andrea L. Malmsbury is scheduled to be arraigned Tuesday in Montgomery County Common Pleas Court after a grand jury indicted her Nov. 8 for two counts of felonious assault.

Riverside police responded around 1:30 p.m. Aug. 27 to a 911 call in the 3500 block of Valencia Street in a neighborhood west of Harshman Road.

A witness told police that a woman, later identified as Malmsbury, was driving fast down the street and on the sidewalk while chasing a teen. She said the woman ran into a yard and struck the teen twice with a baseball bat, according to a Riverside Police Department report.

Malmsbury, who also called 911, said the person who has broken into her truck in the 400 block of Hypathia Avenue the night before had been walking down her street and that she was following him in her car after he started to run.

Malmsbury retrieved the 18-inch wooden ball bat from her car and caught up to him on foot in a backyard on Valencia Street. She said the teen raised his hands as if to hit her when she swung the bat and struck him in the head, according to the report.

The teen, who turned 17 the day of the assault, was taken to Dayton Children’s Hospital. He suffered a concussion and required a stitch to close a wound to his ear, the report stated.

The teen told police he had not been breaking into vehicles. He said he did not know Malmsbury and only had two interactions with her: the prior night when she accused him of breaking into her truck and the confrontation that day, according to the report.

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