Warren County man sentenced for superimposing child’s face onto adult pornography

A fired Centerville police officer has filed a federal lawsuit against the city. FILE

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Credit: FILE

A fired Centerville police officer has filed a federal lawsuit against the city. FILE

A Warren County man was sentenced to more than four years in prison in connection to obscene material involving the images of a minor’s face and adult pornography.

Kenneth Michael Laseur, 36, of Lebanon, pleaded guilty to possessing obscene visual representations of the sexual abuse of children.

The investigation started when Laseur was arrested for violating the terms of his probation, federal prosecutors said in a press release. His phone and computer were searched, they said.

“On those devices, Laseur possessed images of an actual minor female, who was known to Laseur and less than 12 years of age, that were modified to make it appear that the minor female was engaged in sexually explicit conduct,” the prosecutor’s office said.

Laseur told his probation officers and the FBI that he created those images, according to prosecutors.

“As part of his plea, Laseur admitted that the visual depictions lacked any serious literary, artistic, political or scientific value and were obscene,” the release says.

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