Local artist opening a new gallery

“Crown for Keith” sculpture and Untitled large-scale painting by Zachary Armstrong. CONTRIBUTED

“Crown for Keith” sculpture and Untitled large-scale painting by Zachary Armstrong. CONTRIBUTED

Local artist Zachary Armstrong has shown his work in prestigious venues in New York, Los Angeles, Miami, Berlin and Rome. In addition to these locations, he wants to show his work in a gallery a little closer to home. He just obtained space at 506 Wayne Ave. across from Wheat Penny.

The new 2,200-square-foot venue is named Robert Louis Gallery, after his grandpa on his father’s side.

“It’s going to be a more formal gallery space. I’m going to show friends and artists from out of town, a lot of NYC and LA-based artists,” said Armstrong, a Kettering resident who maintains a large 5,000-square-foot-plus studio in the Linden-Davis Building in east Dayton.

Of course he’ll be showing his own work also, as well as the art of his studio assistant, Tyler Macko. He will feature at least one artwork from each of his past major shows, and some of his new bronze sculptures in this first exhibit. Right next door to the new gallery is Hive, a gallery/studio run by Brendan Schindler and Alvaro Linares. They will be featuring three artists from Cincinnati in an exhibit running concurrently with Armstrong’s show.

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“These two young guys are always doing cool things and drawing a big crowd. The reason we have this new gallery is because of them,” said Armstrong.

The new space did not come without headaches, however. It needed a lot of work, and he had to hire an electrician to run all new lights.

Those new lights will be shining down on many large-scale paintings by Armstrong. One of these will be an untitled work that was shown at the Tilton Gallery in New York. It is a collage of embellished child-like drawings interspersed with text. He’ll also be showing a painting, “Crown for Keith,” and a large bronze sculpture of the same image that took him all summer to create.

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“I grew up with Keith Rankin, and the painting and sculpture are based on a drawing we did together when we were young,” said Armstrong. “He is a musician and artist in Columbus. He’s one my favorite artists and has been very influential in my life.”

Armstrong is also showing four bronze fish sculptures. He’s working on creating 3D works from many of his paintings. Currently there is a wood, styrofoam, clay and resin mock-up of a giant tyrannosaurus skull in his studio that will eventually become a bronze sculpture weighing around 1,000 pounds.

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In addition to managing his new local gallery, Armstrong will still be showing his art nationally and internationally. Future exhibits include the Tilton Gallery in New York in May of 2018, and a show in Copenhagen next August. London and Beijing are among shows scheduled within the next couple of years.

“This new gallery is just for fun and it gives me something new to do in Ohio,” Armstrong said.


What: Paintings/Sculpture by Zachary Armstrong

Where: Robert Louis Gallery, 506 Wayne Ave.

When: Nov. 18 to Dec. 20

Hours: 8 to 10 p.m. Nov. 18. Afterwards, appointment only

More Info: robertlouisdyt.com

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