Health Inspections: Rudy’s Dairy Bar

Restaurant inspections.

Restaurant inspections.

Address: 1125 S. Miami St., West Milton

Date of inspection: May 24

Violations/comments: Critical violation: person-in-charge did not ensure their employees are properly trained in food safety. Person-in-charge did not have level 2 food safety training. Critical violation: person-in-charge did not ensure that employees are informed in a verifiable manner of their responsibility to report information about their health. Critical violation: observed raw eggs being stored on shelf above Ready-To-Eat foods, corrected during inspection. Critical violation: observed mold residual on the piping of the ice machine leading into water flow for ice maker. Observed no supply of hand cleaning liquid, powder or bar soap at the hand washing sink(s), corrected during inspection. Observed holes in wall leading directly into walk-in cooler. This must be repaired.

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