Montgomery County Health Inspections

The following are a sampling of food operation inspection reports from Public Health – Dayton & Montgomery County, from the week of Dec. 7-11. View full inspections reports at

Indian Chat Cafe

984 Miamisburg-Centerville Road, Dayton

Date of inspection: Dec. 9

Violations: Observed cutting boards, sugar cane juicer, and tongs with build-up of food residue. Ensure food contact surfaces are washed, rinsed, and sanitized after use or every 4 hours, if they are used throughout hours of operation, in order to prevent contamination.

Observed multiple non-food contact surfaces with build-up of food residue. Ensure non-food contact surfaces are cleaned more frequently and maintained so that they are free of build-up.

- Under flat top grill

- All spice storage shelving

- Lids of bulk food containers

Observed floors under and behind grill and oven and under rear spice storage shelving. Ensure each are cleaned more frequently and maintained so that they are free of build-up.

Comments: Spoke with PIC concerning proper cold holding and cooling of foods. Foods shall be held cold at or below 41F and cooled within 2 hours from 135F to 70F and within 4 hours from 70F to 41F or below.

Observed goat curry holding cold at 44.0F. PIC portioned half of goat curry into shallow pans and then placed into freezer to quicken cooling.

Observed handsinks supplied with soap, hot water, and paper towels.

Observed acceptable sanitizer (quaternary ammonia) level in three compartment sink.

Sushi Hana

1501 Lyons Road, Centerville

Date of inspection: Dec. 11

Violations: Observed improper times used in time log book for sushi rice. Facility uses time in lieu of temperature for sushi rice. Times for sushi rice for previous dates, before re-inspection date, were recorded going past 4 hours. Ensure sushi rice is discarded no longer than 4 hours after leaving cold holding, hot holding, or cooking, in order to limit the growth of bacteria.

Comments: This report is a follow-up to the inspection report dated 12/04/2015.

03.2(C)(1)- Corrected- At time of re-inspection, all raw foods were being stored below ready-to-eat foods.

03.2(Q)- Corrected- At time of re-inspection, no foods were being stored on floor of walk-in cooler.

04.4(A)- Improved- At time of re-inspection, ice build-up inside walk-in freezer had decreased. PIC was informed to ensure freezer is repaired so that no ice build-up is present. All foods shall be stored away from ice build-up.

04.4(N)- Corrected- At time of re-inspection, acceptable chlorine bleach sanitizer was observed in chemical sanitizing dish machine.

04.5(D)- Improved- PIC was informed to ensure cleaning of non-food contact surfaces is continued daily.

05.1(C)(1)- Corrected- At time of re-inspection, handsink (near walk-in cooler) was supplied with hot water (113.0F).

No further re-inspection needed at this time.

Penn Station

4420 Linden Ave., Dayton

Date of inspection: Dec. 7

Violations: Slacked French fries were observed being stored at room temperature without a time-stamp. If holding TCS food at room temperature, the food shall have a 4 hour time-stamp indication. Place a time stamp on the French fries.

Equipment components were not intact, tight, or properly adjusted.

The following coolers were observed with door frames in disrepair - cracks or broken edges:

1. Wrap and go prep cooler - 3rd prep cooler

2. Low boy cooler below the deli slicer (2nd door)

3. Low boy cooler across from the fryers (1st and 2nd doors)

To allow for the surfaces to be easily cleaned and prevent build-up repair (seal or cover and then seal) or replace the door frame or entire cooler.

Hard-to-reach surfaces of the deli slicer were observed with food debris build-up. When cleaning, ensure hard-to-reach areas are cleaned to prevent the harboring of pests.

The following non-food contact surfaces were observed with food debris build-up:

1. The internal surface of the low boy cooler beneath the deli slicer

2. The shelving unit adjacent to the back kitchen handwashing sink

3. The shelving unit above the three compartment sink

4. The dry stock shelving unit

To prevent the harboring of pests, and deterioration, clean or replace the above shelving units and low boy cooler.

A working container of a chemical substance was observed not labeled. To prevent misuse, all chemical bottles shall be labeled with the common name. Ensure the common name is placed on the chemical bottle.

Comments: Ensure the wall behind the deli slicer is cleaned.

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