Montgomery County Health Inspections

The following are a sampling of food operation inspection reports from Public Health – Dayton & Montgomery County, from the week of Feb. 8-12. View full inspections reports at

Sake 2

2146 Miamisburg-Centerville Road, Centerville

Date of inspection: Feb. 8

Violations: Observed raw beef being stored above ready-to-eat foods inside walk-in cooler. Ensure raw meats are stored separate from or below ready-to-eat foods in order to prevent contamination.

- Foods shall be stored as follows:

- Ready-to-eat foods (TOP)

- Seafoods

- Whole muscle meats (steaks, loins, roasts)

- Ground Meats

- Poultry (BOTTOM)

PIC moved raw beef below ready-to-eat foods during inspection.

Observed rice scoops being stored in container of room temperature water. Ensure scoops are stored in dry, clean area in order to prevent contamination.

- Scoops may also be stored in water that heated to above 135F.

Observed improper level of chlorine bleach sanitizer in chemical sanitizing dish machine. Ensure a minimum of 50ppm of chlorine bleach sanitizer is maintained in dish machine at all times in order for washed dishes and utensils to be properly sanitized preventing contamination.

- PIC was informed that dishes and utensils may be washed in dish machine, but shall be sanitized in three compartment sink.

Observed floors, under and behind rice storage shelving, with build-up of food residue and other debris. Ensure floors are cleaned more frequently and maintained so that they are free of build-up.

Comments: Spoke with PIC and staff regarding proper time records for sushi rice. PIC was informed to ensure that prep and discard times are recorded and maintained for sushi rice every day.

* Prep and discard times shell not be pre-filled.

Discussed proper datemarking with PIC. Foods, prepared in facility and held for longer than 24 hours, shall be datemarked with a prep or a discard time. Foods shall be discarded no longer than 7 days after prep date, prep date is day one.

PIC was informed to ensure hard-to-reach areas of hibachi grills are cleaned and maintained.

Observed handsinks supplied with soap, hot water, and paper towels.

Observed acceptable levels of sanitizer (chlorine bleach) in sanitizer buckets.

A re-inspection shall occur 02/15/2016 or thereafter.


2901 Wilmington Pike, Kettering

Date of inspection: Feb. 8

Violations: Observed wiping cloths not kept in the sanitizer bucket. Cloths that are in use for wiping counters and other equipment surfaces shall be held between uses in a chemical sanitizer solution to prevent recontamination while wiping counters. Cloths were placed in sanitizer buckets during the time of inspection.

Observed soda machine nozzles with debris built-up. Beverage dispensing nozzles shall be cleaned at a frequency necessary to preclude accumulation of build-up. Nozzles were cleaned during the time of inspection.

Comments: Discussed with the person-in-charge (PIC) about updates to the Ohio Uniform Food Safety Code Chapter 3717-1 Ohio Administrative Code. The PIC received a copy of the updates.

Donut Palace

5264 Salem Ave., Trotwood

Date of inspection: Feb. 8

Violations: Coffee stirrers for consumer self service are being stored unwrapped in a bulk dispenser. Ensure stirrers are protected from contamination due to other patrons. Owner looking into dispenser to individually dispense the stirrers.

Comments: Ice machine was not operating properly during the inspection. Resetting the machine and should be operating on this date. If needed, purchase bags of ice from GFS.

Hand sink properly provisioned during the inspection with hot water, soap, and towels.

Refrigeration units working properly during the inspection.

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