349 W. Pike St., South Lebanon
Date of inspection: March 14
Violations: Food employee(s) did not wash hands in situations that specifically require them to do so. To prevent contamination, food employees shall clean their hands and exposed portions of their arms after switching between working with raw food and with ready to eat food; before donning gloves to initiate a task that involves working with food; and after other activities that contaminate the hands.
Observed food that was not properly protected from contamination by separation, packaging, and segregation. Raw shell eggs stored over ready to eat food items inside prep cooler. To prevent contamination, food shall be protected from cross contamination by separating raw animal foods during storage, preparation, holding, and display from cooked ready-to-eat food as described in this rule.
TCS foods were not being held at the proper temperature. Sausage gravy on stove holding at 120F. Sausage gravy on buffet holding at 110F. To prevent the growth of pathogens, except during preparation, cooking, or cooling, or when time is used as a public health control, TCS food shall be held at 135F or above (except that roasts cooked using time and temperature parameters in 3717-1-03.3 may be held at 130F), or at 41F or less.
The handwashing sink was not easily accessible. Several item stored inside hand washing sink. To ensure frequent and proper handwashing, a handwashing sink shall be maintained so that it is accessible at all times for employee use.
Observed improper storage of poisonous or toxic materials. Dispenser of hand sanitizer stored above rinse basin of 3 compartment sink. To prevent contamination, poisonous or toxic materials shall be stored so they cannot contaminate food, equipment, utensils, linens, or single-service or single-use articles by: 1) Separating the poisonous materials by spacing or partitioning; and 2) Locating the poisonous or toxic materials in an area that is not above food, equipment, utensils, linens, single-service articles or single-use articles.
Equipment is not approved by a recognized testing agency. Items such as crock pot, waffle iron and pancake maker not commercial grade. Food equipment that is acceptable for use in a FSO or RFE shall be approved by a recognized food equipment testing agency.
A thermometer capable of accurately measuring the temperature of thin foods was not available. To prevent foodborne illness, a food temperature measuring device with a suitable small-diameter probe shall be provided and readily accessible to measure the temperature of thin foods, such as meat patties or fish fillets.
The plumbing system was not properly maintained. Hand sink near water heater not functioning. A plumbing system shall be properly maintained.
The light intensity in a customer self-service area, inside equipment, toilet room, or areas used for hand washing or equipment or utensil storage was less than twenty foot candles. Light in area where hand washing sink is stored not working. The light intensity shall be at least twenty foot candles (two hundred fifteen lux): at a surface where food is provided for customer self-service such as buffets or salad bars or where fresh produce or packaged foods are sold or offered for human consumption; inside equipment such as reach-in and under-counter refrigerators and at a distance of thirty inches (seventy-five centimeters) above the floor in toilet rooms and in areas used for hand washing, warewashing, equipment storage, or utensil storage.
Observed unnecessary or nonfunctional items and/or litter on the premises. Several items need removed from back of facility. The premises shall be free of items that are unnecessary to the operation or maintenance of the FSO or RFE such as equipment that is nonfunctional or no longer used and litter.
Comments: A re-inspection will be conducted to ensure the above have been corrected.
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