Letters to the Editor: Saturday, Feb. 3, 2024

2024′s potentially high health care prices could cause some employees to walk away from their plans and for companies to choose between charging employees more or reducing the quality of their plans. (Dreamstime/TNS)

Credit: TNS

Credit: TNS

2024′s potentially high health care prices could cause some employees to walk away from their plans and for companies to choose between charging employees more or reducing the quality of their plans. (Dreamstime/TNS)

The article “Health care costs increased in 2023, and experts say they won’t stop rising in 2024,” reprinted on Sunday, Jan. 28 stated that costs for health insurance have increased so much that many employees cannot pay the added amount the employer can no longer cover, so more are going without coverage. For over 100 years, wise leaders have seen the need for universal, comprehensive healthcare. While opposition groups have changed, we still don’t have universal health care. Programs have passed for various groups, but not ALL. They are numerous, complicated and therefore expensive. The U.S. ranks about 38th among peer nations health-wise. We pay double for below average results. Life expectancy has actually fallen recently. Despite the latest attempt to solve our healthcare crisis, the ACA operating since 2014 has helped millions, yet left millions still behind. It has failed to contain costs. Clearly, this insurance industry “solution” has done less to provide care as it has to pad the pockets of the industry executives and shareholders. I urge you to support The Ohio Healthcare Plan, HB174 and SB177. See HealthcareForAllOhioans.org for 2018 Ohio economic impact study and PNHP.org for the Physician’s solution. Contact members of Congress to co-sponsor the Medicare for All Act - H.R. 3421 & S.1655. Ask candidates to pledge their support. Join the fight to keep programs we have and realize everyone’s human right to healthcare for a longer, healthier, more financially secure life.

- William N. Davis, II, Dayton

Ohio’s government is not as representative of its people as it could be. Politicians drawing themselves favorable gerrymandered districts has been a consistent detriment to our democratic process. As a result, the Ohio Statehouse has become stained by corruption and extremism, making it impossible to know what power-grab or overreach they’ll attempt next. This year, Ohioans will have the chance to remove politicians from the redistricting process by putting citizens back in the driver’s seat and level the playing field. I signed the “Citizens Not Politicians” petition and plan to vote in favor of its passage this November.

- Nick Tuell, Lebanon

Thank you for your article on the new IRS direct file program. This will be a beneficial development for taxpayers nationwide for reasons not covered in the Associated Press article. Taxes are complicated and commercial software does not easily accommodate many of the less common provisions which are nevertheless very important for many returns. An example of this is the third party designee. This is not important for most taxpayers, but if you are preparing taxes for an out of town relative it is critical. In earlier years commercial software allowed taxpayers to overwrite the software to include items not in the software to correct the resulting excluded provision. More recently commercial tax software programs have incorporated software modifications to incorporate these less common provisions. At this point the overwrite function was discontinued. The difficulty is that information on how to incorporate these provisions into the return is not included anywhere on the program. In several instances it would take me several hours to get assistance from a commercial provider that would enable me to include these provisions. The net effect was that commercial tax software which initially made tax preparation easier and more convenient has now made it more difficult and time consuming. Also, it has made a public fundraising process effectively a private, proprietary function, much less accessible to me and others as a taxpayer and citizen. For these reasons the IRS direct file program is a welcome change.

- William D. Todd, Dayton

As the former chair of the Dayton Sister City Committee who oversaw that organization when we became sister cities with Salfit, Palestine, I am devastated by what’s happening there and I hope that our politicians start to wake up and see how they’re contributing to what’s happening there soon, including right here in Dayton and Montgomery County. It is heartening, however, as someone who has studied and taught about Palestinian nonviolence academically, to see all of the work being done by multiple local groups right here in Dayton who are banding together to educate our residents and demand that politicians take action on the genocide taking place right now in Palestine and examine how our tax dollars are contributing to it. Dayton has now become the second-largest of Ohio’s cities (after Akron) to pass a formal ceasefire resolution on what’s happening in Palestine, and that’s a great start, but more must be done. This Sunday at Yellow Cab Tavern there is a special night of poetry dedicated to what’s happening in Gaza and other genocides around the world, so I hope DDN readers are able to attend and learn more starting at 7PM this Sunday, February 4.

- Arch Grieve, Dayton