Letters to the Editor: Saturday, June 29, 2024

Credit: NYT

Credit: NYT

Biden’s proposal protecting undocumented spouses of U.S. citizens from deportation is the latest disturbing example of Federal overreach. By executive order, an estimated 500,000 immigrants will be kept in our country regardless of backgrounds, most of which are unknown. Americans have been offered no opportunity for representation on this issue, and largely do not support illegal immigration. According to a 2024 poll by Monmouth, 6 in 10 Americans describe illegal immigration as a serious problem, supporting the construction of a border wall. This represents a jump from similar polls taken during the prior two presidential administrations. In a 2024 Gallup poll, 48% of Americans reported worrying about illegal immigration. 55% considered illegal immigration a threat to the vital interests of the United States. What if the states could collectively revoke any Executive order or Federal legislation? Maybe one day they can. A grassroots organization called Convention of States (COS) is promoting a state amending convention to propose Constitutional amendments stopping this sort of government overreach and to promote self-governance. A provision for a state convention is built into the second clause of Article V of the US Constitution. Resulting amendments of a Convention are sent to the states for ratification. The ability for the states collectively revoke an Executive order or any Federal legislation is just the sort of amendment this country needs right now.

- Diana Telles, West Chester

Fifty-six men pledged “our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor.” Maybe it’s because the Fourth of July is a catchy phrase and independence is such a long word, but July 4 occurs all over the world — but it’s only in America that on that day we honor those who sacrificed for our freedom and proudly celebrate Independence Day. Delight in saying every syllable and pray, to paraphrase John Adams when he was the first president to enter the still uncompleted White House, that none but those who are honest and wise ever rule under this roof.

- Dennis Singleton, Dayton