We learned politicians cannot be trusted. When Ohioans passed anti-gerrymandering reform in 2015 and 2018 politicians were foolishly left in charge of drawing new electoral districts following the 2020 census. Seven times the maps they drew were declared unconstitutionally drawn by the Ohio Supreme Court. Ohioans still vote under unconstitutional maps. Citizens were not pleased. Politicians desiring to keep their power held a special election in August of 2023 to increase the threshold to get a citizens-initiated amendment on the ballot. But Ohioans were smarter than the politicians. Despite Secretary of State LaRose’s misleading and biased ballot language for the reproductive rights amendment, Ohioans said no to the politicians by voting Yes for the amendment. It is no surprise, when Citizens Not Politicians was successful in getting Issue 1 redistricting reform on the November 2024 ballot, that Secretary of State LaRose, staunchly against this reform, as chair of the Ohio Ballot Board abused his power by writing the ballot summary using misleading, inaccurate, and confusing language intended to trick voters into voting no against their own interest. Voting YES on Issue 1, will demonstrate that the power of the people over politicians is always greater.
- Alan Schaeffer, Dayton