Make a difference in 2024 with Ideas & Voices



I’m Nick Hrkman and I’ve been the Community Impact Editor at the Dayton Daily News since September of 2021. In this role, I oversee the many different components of the Ideas & Voices section.

I’m regularly inspired by our Ideas & Voices contributors. Every day I work with people like you to help publish your perspectives about what can be done to improve our communities.

For every topic our reporters cover, there are numerous people in the community whose perspective and expertise could enrich the conversation. Building on the strong reporting from our staff, Ideas & Voices then leads discussion and debate about how the Dayton region gets better, focusing on:

  • Championing this region’s efforts to build a vibrant, equitable community
  • Leading conversations toward solutions
  • Giving a wide variety of voices opportunity to speak
  • Holding our region’s political and major institutions’ leaders accountable

It has been a pleasure working with our contributors over the past year to bring you a variety of perspectives on issues important to our communities. And 2023 had no shortage of stellar contributors.

In January, Basira Joya, who fled Afghanistan when U.S. forces pulled out of the country, wrote about her experience as one of the first female TV anchors in her country, her relocation to Dayton and how Daytonians could support the women who remained in Afghanistan under the rule of the Taliban.

In February, we celebrated 28 Days of Black Excellence with a different contributor each day writing on topics such as minority small business ownership, the arts, Ohio’s death penalty, community health workers and more.

2023 also saw several hotly contested state issues on the ballot that proposed to change the way Ohio passes constitutional amendments, ensures reproductive rights and regulates recreational marijuana. These were some of our most-read topics of the year and featured contributors from across our region and Ohio who forcefully argued their side of each issue.

As temperatures dropped in the fall, contributor Jay Yoder wrote about his experiences assisting the “hidden homeless” population in our area and how readers could get involved. The community response was better than he could have hoped, with high school students and church youth groups writing to ask how they could help.

“I have been extremely impressed by the energy, involvement and initiative by the young people in our community and wanting to make a difference,” Yoder wrote. “This has caused several to think outside the box and try to come up with fresh new ideas about how to help homeless people.”

Our community has problems that need fixing and no one understands them better than the curious, informed and engaged readers of Ideas & Voices.

Think about a problem that affects you and your neighborhood and see if you can come up with a novel way of solving it. Talk to your friends, family and neighbors to find out what their concerns are or brainstorm potential solutions with them.

I was born and raised in this community and I’m deeply committed to seeing it succeed. It is my pleasure to continue to serve you as the Community Impact Editor and to convene important discussions on issues that we can solve together.

In 2024, we will see increasing polarization as the presidential election cycle heats up. In a polarized world full of seemingly intractable problems, I believe spaces such as Ideas & Voices are the best way to build consensus at the local level toward solutions that benefit us all as neighbors, no matter your political ideology or background.

Hopefully, reading Ideas & Voices each day leaves you feeling a little more empowered and less frustrated by the enormity of the issues we face.

I look forward to working with you in 2024 and can’t wait to read your submissions. In today’s Ideas & Voices, learn more about the different ways you can engage with the Dayton Daily News and the Ideas & Voices section.

Thank you,

Nick Hrkman

What makes a good contributed column?

Creating an opinion piece that motivates strangers to act is no small task. A good contributed column takes reported facts and research and builds momentum toward action. If you know of a topic has not been reported on that you believe is newsworthy, contact our newsroom at, or call (937) 610-7502. Ideas & Voices is not the place to report news — it’s a place to discuss the news.

For Ideas & Voices, we look for submissions that:

  • Identify a problem in our communities
  • Explain the importance of this problem and how readers in our region might be affected by it
  • Propose a solution
  • Offer clear action steps that allow our audiences to be a part of that solution

In Ideas & Voices, we emphasize the importance of local issues in our contributed columns, or at least finding a way to localize national or global issues.

Be prepared to revise and answer questions about your submission. Submissions are fact-checked for accuracy and editors will often have questions about specific claims or suggestions for how to improve elements of the submission. All claims in your piece should be substantiated by a source and you should provide links to those sources. And don’t feel bad if your first draft isn’t immediately accepted — many submissions require multiple rounds of revision before they are ready to be published.

Do you have a photograph, video or graphic that can accompany the piece? Contributing visual or multimedia elements with your submission can make it more compelling for readers.

Not sure if you want to write a full 500-word submission without knowing if it’s a good fit? Email your proposed topic to and we will let you know if we are interested or how we can make it work.

You can submit the contributed column in the body of the email, as a Word document attachment or you can share a link to a Google Doc (please allow commenting permissions). All submissions will also require a recent headshot of the contributor and a short, one-line bio that tells readers about themselves.

Note: The Dayton Daily News does not require exclusive rights to any submitted Ideas & Voices pieces. That means you retain rights to the submission and can choose to publish it elsewhere — assuming that publisher does not require exclusive rights to it.

What makes a good Letter to the Editor?

Our Letters to the Editor are generally collected and published once a week, based on the volume and quality of submissions we receive. Letters to the Editor are short, focused submissions that quickly address a single topic. They can run up to 250 words in length.

Letters to the Editor can respond to specific issues in stories we’ve reported, other contributed columns or syndicated columnists. They’re a quick and easy way to add your perspective to the discussion of any topic.

10 ways to engage with us in 2024

1. Share your thoughts with our Ideas and Voices page by sending an email to You can write a Letter to the Editor with your opinion on an issue (250 words or less), or submit a guest column (500 to 600 words). You can submit the contributed column in the body of the email, as a Word document attachment or you can share a link to a Google Doc (please allow commenting permissions).

2. If you see or hear about something you think is newsworthy, connect with the newsroom at, or call (937) 610-7502.

3. If you learn about something you think our investigative reporting team should dig into, you can submit an anonymous news tip using the online form found on our website.

4. Have an upcoming event? Get it on the events calendar.

5. Looking for a specific reporter? Find our newsroom staff listing on our website.

6. To learn how our advertising staff can elevate the reach of your product or organization across the community, visit our website for a list of contact information and answers to other frequently asked questions.

7. Help us help you. We want to know if you are having issues with your circulation or accessing our digital products. You can call customer service 888-397-6397. If it’s after hours, there are many ways to manage your account online at My Account or use our self-automated phone system. You can also email customer service representatives at Someone will respond within 48 hours.

8. Sign up for email newsletters. We offer a bunch of free, regular newsletters on a number of different topics (local sports, history, business, etc.). Check out the options on our website.

9. Follow our reporting on social media on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Follow Community Impact Editor Nick Hrkman on Twitter at @NickHrkmanDDN and Facebook at You can view all of our Ideas & Voices contributed content on and via our e-paper.

10. Visit or follow it on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram for the latest on what to know, love and do in the Miami Valley.

Let us know how we’re doing

Your feedback is important to us — Ideas & Voices is all about opinions. We are committed to local solutions, representing diverse perspectives and to a fair and balanced approach to all of our topics.

Do you feel that we missed an important perspective in our coverage? Was a topic not covered fairly? Is there an issue you feel deserves discussion? Email or with your concerns and comments. If you disagree with a contributor, we invite you to submit on the same topic to offer your perspective.

And we love to hear back from our contributors. Let us know if the publication of your submission led to any developments in your proposed solution or if you’d like to contribute again.

About the Author