VOICES: Agricultural Conservation Easement Program can help restore soil, souls

My great grandfather was a farmer and friends with President Truman and my great aunt babysat his daughter. Another ancestor fought in the American Revolution. My partner, a physicist, Citizen of the Cherokee Nation, and I now own farmland — land that his family has owned since 1902. I am a writer, artist, poet, and an advocate for health, well-being, and connection with nature.

We are in a critical time of need. Calamities and chaos create opportunities to be responsible, cultivate a purpose, and aspire to personal self-mastery- that’s the living passion of the free.

Uniting for a cause builds and strengthens societies and allows people to celebrate their unique capabilities, cultures and contributions manifested through diligent work and achievement. Being a part of something vital helps people get off their devices and cure the lure of supporting crises and vices of others. People are vulnerable to predators when there is dependency, injustice, isolation, degradation and neglect.

You are needed to help protect our lands, which benefit our state, country, health, well-being, freedom, jobs, food, fuel, energy, and the environment — all are essential for our security.

Ask your representative to support Farm Bill to increase support for farmland protection and make the Agricultural Conservation Easement Program work better for landowners and partners.

Supporting “intelligent growth to minimize sprawl can save up to 13.5 million acres of the nation’s irreplaceable farmland and ranch land for food production because we are losing farmland at a rate of 2,000 acres per day.”

Farmland in America is nearly a $4 trillion asset, employs about one in ten people, and generates 5.6% of our country’s GDP. Farms and forests absorb close to 770 million tons of CO2 annually and support plants, insects and animals that rely on abundance.

“There are more than six times as many primary producers age 65 and older as primary producers 34 and younger.” Farms have been on the decline over the last 30 years. The American Farmland Trust estimates that 371 million acres of farmland could transition in the next 15 years to the next generation, and, 39% of the farmland is leased. We must ensure that this transition does not lead to reduction in farmland and to increase in urban development, and avoids investors that do not have our best interests in mind.

Incentives for farmers to steward farmland well protect our resources and provides a chance to nurture empathy, resilience, and generosity, while integrating food, farming and self-reliance into our systems. Repairing and preventing dis-ease, disconnection, disassociation and division with collaborations and mentorships are good for unity and strength of our communities and our Nation. Partnerships with students, farmers and local businesses can alleviate worker shortages, increase skills, autonomy and connection with nature while fostering critical thinking to fix problems like eradicating hunger and waste. Ingenuity and entrepreneurship to distribute fresh fruits and vegetables in mobile and micro grocery stores can encourage people to grow, produce and increase food availability, accessibility and affordability.

Managing and owning gardens, greenhouses, markets and farms help people understand the value of land, rights, commerce; and this requires discernment, teamwork, unity and critical thinking to overcome obstacles. Our challenges reveal the need for inner transformation. Communities that connect with nature, animals, and humans respect healthy soils for healthy plants and healthy humans.

Parks, unspoiled habitats, farmers’ markets and food co-ops in each community would create job opportunities in conservation and farming. Gardens and greenhouses in every school, assisted living facilities, hospitals, apartment complexes, and housing communities could provide crucial training, reliable nutrition and more jobs.

We have a right to clean air, soil, food and water. You can help protect our farms and lands from corrupt investors and over-development while promoting peace and freedom and the restoration of soils and souls. Love and respect for our natural world enables us to transform our human world. We are each a piece of the peace. Your voice matters. Please take a positive stand for people, farms and our land.

“A Poet with a Purpose,” a freelance writer-artist’s mission to restore soils and souls, help reduce harm, increase inner peace, love in action, inspire and support freedom-farming-restoration-conservation of the biota, at robinmotzer.substack.com.

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