As a Patient Navigator for Planned Parenthood abortion services, I speak with hundreds of patients a week and it is important for the public to know that abortion is happening, and it is happening in someone’s life that you know, despite what you may believe. The statistic that 1 in 4 women will have an abortion in their life means that your sisters, friends, classmates, mothers, aunts may end up in a position where they are in need of abortion care.
And that statistic doesn’t even acknowledge the people seeking an abortion that don’t identify as women–meaning that number may be closer to 1 in 3.
I would be lying if I said the last five years’ mounting attacks on these fundamental forms of health care weren’t terrifying. They are.
Because these attacks aren’t just threats to health and safety. They’re an attempt to thwart freedom. They’re a roll back on freedom.
Whether it’s through helping a single mother of 3 from rural banned state get to her appointment with a volunteer driver, getting a plane for a patient in their third-trimester seeking further care, being a listening ear for a patient with a fetal genetic diagnosis struggling with the barriers in Ohio, or being able to provide support for a mother in need of formula for her child–this work is liberation.
Every interaction I have with a patient brings someone with a story, and each of these stories showcases the vast and complex needs people are dealing with when accessing care, even if not directly procedural. That’s why we need more care that’s comprehensive, not less.
Being able to assist patients in obtaining this necessary care IS life-saving health care. The stigmatization of talking about abortion care in social spheres with our family and friends (when safe to do so) is what will continue to slow down the trajectory of comprehensive and EASY access for patients.
These people have lives, dreams, and aspirations, and they have ended up in a situation where abortion is the best option for them. It’s my job to ensure that they get what they need without judgment or fear.
Above all else, I work with the intention of providing accessible, comprehensive, and understandable abortion care to all patients who seek it. Being able to answer questions that are purposely made to be confusing by legislation and anti-abortion propaganda empowers me, and hearing the relief in patient’s voices knowing that this process can be made simple for them drives me to continue to be a better Patient Navigator and a stronger shoulder to lean on.
Ultimately, abortion access is a community responsibility, and if you are a proponent of abortion access I implore anyone interested to please get involved. Donate to your local abortion provider or abortion fund, volunteer with your local abortion non-profit that provides practical support for patients in need.
Not everyone has family or friends to rely on, or the money to pay for medical care and, despite that, everyone deserves the care they need. Abortion access support does exist and it’s full of dedicated, loving, and understanding people who are here to help, wherever you are located and for whatever reason you need.
To learn more about your options in the state of Ohio, check out
Courtney Lynch is a Patient Navigator for Planned Parenthood.
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