The story of a Dayton, Ohio, woman named Patricia is illustrative. For most of her life, Patricia’s living situation had been the picture of stability: She lived for 51 years in the same home, before moving to an apartment across town, where she spent another decade. But in 2021, a property management company controlling Patricia’s apartment started hiking her rent and then refused to work with a rental assistance program. Before long, she was forced out.
As the baby boomer generation ages, the number of elderly homeless is expected to triple by decade’s end. To understand why this trend is so dangerous, consider the situation of older women like Patricia. It can be difficult for anyone to get back on their feet once they’ve become unhoused. The fees and fines, the black marks on your record, the acute difficulties of finding or holding a job without a place to live—these troubles afflict even those who are relatively young and healthy. Elderly people face greater physical limitations and have fewer technology skills for finding help.
That’s why homelessness prevention is so important. At the Society of St. Vincent de Paul USA, we care for those who live on the brink of homelessness, knowing that “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” But you don’t need any special expertise to recognize how terribly vulnerable elderly populations are—or how quickly a temporary stint of homelessness can become a terminal condition for people in declining health.
Consider the stories of two more women who, like Patricia, came to the Dayton SVdP for help when their housing precarity reached a crisis point.
For a woman named Brenda, disaster struck when she woke up one morning and couldn’t feel her right leg. It took doctors months before they ordered an MRI that showed she had scoliosis, arthritis, and a compressed spine. In the meantime, Brenda ran out of PTO, sick leave, and FMLA benefits. She lost her job, could no longer pay her rent, and received an eviction notice.
In Evelyn’s case, she already couldn’t work because of advanced emphysema. To make the most of her supplemental security income, she shared an apartment with roommates. But when her roommates stopped paying their share of the rent, she was evicted alongside them. She’s on oxygen, and had to live out of her car.
For older women living in poverty, homelessness prevention doesn’t mean the same thing as it does for those whose precarity stems from unemployment, substance use, or mental health issues. Job training, counseling, or rehabilitation isn’t usually what they need.
What women like Patricia, Brenda, and Evelyn need is affordable housing — something in increasingly short supply around the country. With mounting health concerns and diminishing employment prospects on the horizon in their sunset years, older women in poverty acutely need the stability and dignity of a place to call their own.
They also need support tailored to their particular needs: assistance in finding and applying for programs and resources, greater access to health workers, in addition to facilities and services accommodating of people with limited mobility.
The Society of St. Vincent de Paul helped these women stabilize their situation and seek out long-term housing, and I’m proud of that. But the impending “gray wave” of homelessness is a problem that demands collective action — from local non-profits and affordable housing initiatives to state and federal programs.
I think all of us can agree that we want a world in which older women aren’t forced out onto the street because of limited income or poor health. But as the costs of housing, food, and health care continue to rise, that shared goal is going to require significant, concerted effort. Let’s begin now.
John Berry is the National President of the National Council of the United States, Society of St. Vincent de Paul.
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