Ghostwriter publishes latest book under own name

Joshua Lisec wrote his first book when he was 21.

At 21 years old, Joshua Lisec of Beavercreek was a published author with a two-book publishing deal under his belt.

Inspired by his grandfather’s stories about World War II and action-adventure movies like the Indiana Jones series, Lisec’s first novel “The Phoenix Reich,” was published in 2013.

Joshua Lisec in 2013 after publishing his first novel "The Phoenix Reich'' at age 21. CONTRIBUTED

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Lisec grew up in Englewood and was homeschooled along with his brother, Daniel. He graduated from high school at 16 and went on to attend Sinclair Community College and Wright State University, where he received his degree in organizational communication when he was 20.

Joshua Lisec, left, and his brother Daniel were homeschooled while growing up in Englewood. They are shown at Christmas in 1999. CONTRIBUTED

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“While I was at Wright State, I decided to try freelance writing,” Lisec said. “Many of my professors told me I shouldn’t do the whole ‘work some place for 30 years and retire thing.’”

After publishing that first book, Lisec met two people during book signings who asked him if he’d be interested in helping them write their own novels. The entrepreneur in Lisec decided to try his hand at ghostwriting.

“I published another novel years later in 2021, but my non-fiction ghostwriting business has exploded,” Lisec said.

Now making his living almost exclusively ghostwriting, Lisec’s latest book is about his experiences. “So Good They Call you a Fake,” was published in June and Lisec describes it as “part memoir and part how to book.”

Joshua Lisec with his wife, Judy Shaw on their wedding day, April 17, 2016. CONTRIBUTED

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Lisec said that ghostwriting is particularly popular among professionals, consultants and entrepreneurs who are experts in their field but aren’t well known until they publish. Word of mouth, social media and his reputation has helped Lisec grow his ghostwriting business.

Lisec, is currently ghostwriting books 81, 82 and 83.

“There is a repeatable step-by-step process for packaging your expertise,” Lisec said. “And if you are good, your critics and anonymous trolls will carry your name far and wide.”

When Lisec started publishing books years ago, he intended to keep writing his own work but quickly realized it’s tough for authors to make significant income with their writing, he said.

“With freelancing, I had plenty of projects and my schedule filled up with paying work,” Lisec said.

This wasimportant once he married Judy Shaw in April of 2016. The couple has two children — son Wesley, 4 and daughter Willow, 1.

Joshua Lisec with his wife Judy Shaw and their son Wesley in May 2020. CONTRIBUTED

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Lisec said he had no idea that non-fiction ghostwriting was so prolific, but as he has built his business, he has perfected the process, writing full length non-fiction books in as little as three weeks. He has also developed “ghost publishing,” to help clients not only write their books but also get them published quickly and offers persuasive writing courses, including “The Best Way to Say It,” which has more than 2,700 students worldwide.

“Early on in my career, I realized many people want to write their life stories,” Lisec said. “I learned that the most lucrative projects for me were the books that would make my clients the most money.”

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After reading comments by all his naysayers, Lisec decided his latest book should be published under his own name. He wrote the book not only to bring more attention to his craft but to also show people exactly how he does what he does.

“It’s really about creating a suite of products like course scripts and other materials in addition to books,” Lisec said. “At this point, people are coming to me for help not just as a ghostwriter but also as a ghost chief marketing officer and chief executive officer.”

As for the future, Lisec is also setting his sights on helping experts market their books to get maximum engagement. He has developed and launched a software called “Wordout,” which, as its name suggests, helps people spread the word about their published works.

“By leveraging Artificial Intelligence (AI) people can upload chapters of their books into the software and it creates social media ready campaigns and content,” Lisec said.

Dozens of customers are already using the software, Lisec said.

“My main focus is solving problems for people,” Lisec said. “If a person is an aspiring authority but they don’t have a book, I solve that problem. But if you have a book and no one knows you have a book, then you don’t really have a book.”

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