Julie Beyer’s ‘quirky’ art takes her back to childhood

Oakwood woman is featured artist in Michigan street fair.

One of Julie Beyer’s favorite quotes is from Vincent Van Gogh. “If you hear a voice within you say, ‘You cannot paint,’ then by all means paint, and that voice will be silenced.”

The Oakwood artist was tapped as the 2012 featured artist for the Ann Arbor (Mich.) Street Fair, to be held from July 18-21. As the featured artist, she designed the marketing poster that will be printed on T-shirts, caps and tote-bags that will be sold at the prestigious art venue. For those able to travel up to Michigan, Beyer’s booth number will be A239.

“Bikes remind me of childhood: summertime, vacations, streamers on handlebars, baskets filled with the things you find, and the feeling of freedom and independence,” said Beyer.

“I think I spent the vast majority of my childhood on a bike. It’s hard to not feel happy while riding one.”

Her whimsical style mirrors Beyer’s optimism about life. She will be showing mixed media works centered around bikes, faces and still lifes.

Beyer has a bachelor’s degree in elementary education from the University of Cincinnati. She taught first grade and worked at the Children’s Defense Fund in Washington, D.C., before becoming a stay-at-home mom.

But now she’s a stay-at-home “painting” mom, which she fits in between cooking, cleaning and taking care of her husband, Jim, and four kids, Hank, Will, Jack and Lydia. She paints her whimsical works in her laundry-room studio while listening to clothes tumbling in the dryer.

“I’ve been told that my work is fun, colorful and innocent. I hear ‘quirky’ a lot as well,” said Beyer.

“I love hearing that my artwork makes people smile, or makes them feel happy when they see it.”

Contact contributing writer Pamela Dillon at pamdillon@woh.rr.com.

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