Meet a Realtor: Andrew Nicholl, Coldwell Banker Heritage

CENTERVILLE — Finding the perfect home can be a long, emotional process, and the right Realtor understands a buyer’s frustration, anxiety and excitement.

When speaking with Andrew Nicholl, one is immediately struck by his energy, sense of humor and passion for his job.

Nicholl has worked as a realtor since 2016.

“I really do love people and I love working with people. I try to go far and above, to do what is in my client’s best interest and not my own,” he said. “Your house is supposed to be your sanctuary that you’re proud to walk into at the end of a day.”

Nicholl has been married to his wife, Courtney, for 17 years. The pair has two children, an incoming high school freshman and an incoming seventh-grader.

He advises homeowners to do what makes their home the most comfortable for their individual needs, and notes that simple changes can make a big impact.

“There’s no need for major changes if you’re comfortable with it,” Nicholl said. “Freshening up a look, like repainting or updating hardware on the kitchen cabinets, is a relatively inexpensive update that can clean up a look in each room.”

According to Nicholl, the Dayton area is a unique housing market.

“We’re a military town, and so with the inclusion of Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, we have a lot of moving pieces that happen all the time because of relocating,” he said. “Dayton has traditionally been a very affordable place to live, and it has driven a lot of people here. It’s centrally located and within a couple hours’ drive you can get to many big cities with ease. It’s a very friendly community.”

The real estate market can feel overwhelming to first-time homebuyers, and it can often take people by surprise. Nicholl noted that some changes are starting soon.

“In this area, starting on Aug. 17, a buyer broker compensation agreement will be required prior to viewing a property,” he said. “It’s a big change and it’s been a huge national settlement. It will affect the real estate market in a lot of ways. There are some fees that could be implemented, and people need to know how that works. This disclosure will provide clarity, so consumers understand how agents are being paid.”

When not working, Nicholl focuses on his other passions.

“I love music,” he said. “I am a classically trained musician and have a bachelor’s degree in music. I still play trumpet, piano and sing regularly. I also love all things sports — if grass growing was on ESPN, I would watch it.”

We asked Nicholl to tell us more about himself:

What drew you to working as a realtor: After graduating from college, I worked as a music pastor at a local church for 12 years. During the latter part of that time, I knew I needed to change careers. Thanks to a great friend, and my broker at CBH, taking me for coffee back in 2016, it was clear real estate was what I should do. There are so many wonderful people I get to meet on a weekly basis.

What is the best part of your job: I thoroughly enjoy walking with people throughout the process of buying and selling. Not every transaction is a happy one. Often, people are making a change because something difficult has happened in their lives. Getting to sit with someone in their house and letting them share their story is a gift I don’t take lightly.

What is the most challenging part of your job: I think one of the most challenging aspects is not wanting for someone that doesn’t want it for themselves. I try really hard to be available for all of my clients whenever possible. But, sometimes I see something that I “know” will be perfect for them, or a response that they “should” do, but they end up doing something differently than I anticipated. I have to get out of my own way, and as someone that likes to control all situations, that doesn’t always work.

Advice to first-time homebuyers: There is so much to say to first-time homebuyers, but I’ll do my best to simplify. Be patient. This market is hard, but every market has some level of difficulty. Make sure you’re matched up with a Realtor that has your best interest at heart. And don’t buy the pretty house just because it looks good. Be thorough when looking at everything.

Advice to homeowners: Take care of the routine maintenance. By taking care of your home, you’re increasing the value of it with minimal effort and fewer larger ticket surprises.

Favorite room in your own home and why: Our sun room! We sit out there as a family all the time. I use it as my home office when I’m working in the evenings. Friends come over to the house and come straight to the back. Even our dog loves taking naps in it! Family favorite for sure.

Favorite home decorating trend: Lighting. From trendy light fixtures to natural light pouring into a room, I love a bright and cheery space.

Advice to anyone looking to refresh or remodel their home: For a refresh, do simple projects. A fresh coat of paint, updating flooring or trim, or minimizing stuff, can totally change the feel of a room. For a remodel, not everything you see on the internet will work in your space. A lot of these TV shows make the home remodeling process look super simple. But it’s not. Consulting with professionals before remodeling can save you a lot of money and headaches. Most projects don’t get you a dollar for dollar return on your investment, so if you’re planning to sell shortly after remodeling, it may not be worth it. Most of all, do something you enjoy. It’s your house so make it something you’re excited about.

Nicholl can be reached at 937-689-4152 or

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