Pickleball courts open in Kettering

New facility is on Bigger Road.

Contact this contributing writer at PamDillon@woh.rr.com.

“Ping pong, tennis and badminton all got together and had a baby.” That’s Ryan Goodwin’s explanation of a relatively new sport, pickleball.

He attended the grand opening of six new pickleball courts at J.F. Kennedy Park in Kettering on June 25.

Goodwin is also relatively new to the sport, as he has only been playing a year and a few months.

The Centerville resident took to the sport quite well, as he is already traveling the country playing in pickleball tournaments.

“I used to play NCAA tennis at Jacksonville University, and it was a very easy transition,” said Goodwin, 26, currently taking sociology and education classes at Wright State University. “But it’s a sport where someone who’s 16 can get on a court with someone 72 and there’s no guaranteed result. I played in the Atlantic Regionals in Mobile, Ala., against a 62-year-old, and he was able to beat me in singles because of his excellent shot placement.”

The location of the new facility is 5073 Bigger Road, just southwest of the Kennedy Park Splash Pad.

After the dedication, Goodwin was introducing a young player to pickleball on one of the new courts.

“Pickleball is truly based on community. It’s a fantastic sport for people of all ages and physical abilities to get out, socialize, and be competitive,” said Goodwin.

The South Dayton Pickleball Club has a Facebook page with the banner Pickleball Rocks … Pass it on. Many of the players who came to the dedication that day were wearing red, white and yellow T-shirts proclaiming their love for pickleball.

“I live about two blocks away from this park right here in Kettering. That’s part of the reason these courts are located here,” said Mo Albaugh, who’s been playing the sport for the past three years. “Pickleball courts take up less space than tennis courts, and it’s great for socializing and great exercise.”

Before the opening of these courts, Albaugh and others in the SDPC used YMCA facilities in the Dayton area and in Middletown. They will still use them, but not as often.

“These are the most amazing pickleball courts in southwest Ohio,” said Mary Beth Thaman, Kettering director of parks, recreation and cultural arts. “We have the only facility with fencing all around it, and specifically designed to the exact size according to national standards.”

Dozens of pickleball players came out around 8 a.m. early Saturday to try out the courts before the dedication started at 10. Jan Lucas, whose husband is Colonel Robert Lucas of the Marine Corps, sang an inspirational rendition of the National Anthem. Mayor Don Patterson spoke, as well as ambassador Larry Virgilio.

The ribbon cutting ceremony officially opened the courts for play. Some pickleball players who attended the dedication were still on the courts that day until 2 p.m.

“I never even heard of pickleball until two months ago. It looks like a lot of fun,” Virgilio said.

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