Tips for organizing tight or tiny wardrobe closets

Closet rods, hanging organizers and storage containers can multiply your tiny closet space tenfold. iSTOCK

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Closet rods, hanging organizers and storage containers can multiply your tiny closet space tenfold. iSTOCK

Maximizing tiny closet space is a must-do, especially if you live in an apartment, small home or dorm. Plenty of options are not only practical but stylish, too.

First, a purge is in order. Get rid of the unnecessary. A good rule of thumb is that if you haven’t worn it in a year, it’s of better use donated. Do you really need that costume from 2019?

Tips for organizing:

  • Closet rods, hanging organizers and storage containers can multiply your tiny closet space tenfold.
  • Space-saving hangers are useful for small closets, especially those with short closet rods. Using the same type of hanger for all your clothes also keeps things organized.
  • Adding a second hanging rod adds plenty of space. The bottom level is perfect for pants and skirts, while the upper level works for jackets, shirts, and sweaters.
  • Hanging organizers give you vertical storage that maximizes the available space and can hold all sorts of items. Storage containers allow you to separate different types of clothes, including large coats. You can label the bins; if drawers are available, they’re a great place to stash accessories.
  • Many tiny closet sufferers forget about the back of the closet store. You can hang a shoe rack or hooks to display pretty scarves or those expensive handbags.
  • Portable shelf units are a cute option. It gives you organized nooks to show off your show collection or your folded t-shirts.
  • Speaking of T-shirts, tight folding methods like the KonMari method double, and sometimes triple, the available space.

Finally, the biggest tip for organizing a tiny closet is to make a list of items you are storing and measurements of the closet itself. By organizing the items, you’ll keep the process easy and stress-free.

You may not have a walk-in closet, but you can still create and enjoy a luxury space for your luxury items.

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