Underground Railroad Whistle-Stop Poetry Tour coming to Springboro



Springboro is one of just 10 stops on the Underground Railroad Whistle-Stop Poetry Tour, an event that will feature poetry, history, re-enactments, tours and presentations.

Taking place 1-4:30 p.m. Sept. 8, highlights include guest poets who will present readings that honor Ohio’s legacy with the Underground Railroad and examine issues of social justice, hate and prejudice.

Springboro is notable for its Underground Railroad history. Early Quakers who settled there created one of the busiest stops on the Underground Railroad, assisting an estimated 1,000 to 4,000 freedom seekers.



Organizers of the tour said participants can enjoy poetry readings and historical presentations, help to build a collective poem or take a tour. Events are free and appropriate for teenagers and adults.

“We’re thrilled that these two state and national poetry organizations recognize Springboro’s historic contribution to freedom seekers,” said Springboro Mayor John Agenbroad, who will introduce the Whistle-Stop Tour on Sept. 8, in a press release. “Our remarkably intact historic downtown helps tell the story of early Quakers and the Underground Railroad in a tangible way that few sites can offer. We’re fortunate that our historical society continuously brings this story to life through myriad tours and activities.”

The schedule:

1 p.m. Historical Reenactor & Poetry

Local actor Carol Stone embodies three different characters, including Gracie Prudeaux, a 15-year-old enslaved girl from New Orleans faced with the difficult decision to flee her captors. A land acknowledgement poem will be read by Debbie Allen of PARH USA recognizing indigenous people as traditional stewards of the land.

1:30 p.m. Poetry Readings & Justice

Four guest poets from the Greenville Poetry Association present readings about historical and contemporary social justice.

2:30 p.m. Springboro’s Underground Railroad History

Springboro Quakers used a network of roughly 27 safe houses to assist thousands of freedom seekers. Kathy Stachowski of the Springboro Area Historical Society presents highlights and insights from this remarkable period of local history and will open the floor to questions.

3:15 p.m. River to Freedom & Books

Attendees are invited to contribute to the Ohio Underground Railroad Whistle-Stop Poetry Tour’s collaborative poem “River to Freedom” in the lobby of the Performing Arts Center. History and poetry lovers also can browse book sale tables located nearby.

3:30 p.m. Historic Springboro Self-Guided Tour

This self-guided tour in historic Springboro includes four interpretive stops where actors showcase the town’s role in the Underground Railroad. Attendees can also tour the nearby Springboro Area Historical Museum, 110 S. Main St., which houses more local history.

The Whistle-Stop Poetry Tour is conducted by The Ohio Poetry Association and Poets Against Racism & Hate USA and hosted by the Springboro Area Historical Society.

How to go

What: Underground Railroad Whistle-Stop Poetry Tour

Where: Springboro Performing Arts Center, 115 Wright Station Way, Springboro

When: 1-4:30 p.m. Sept. 8

Cost: Free

More info: Springboroareahistory.org or facebook.com/springboromuseum

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