This contract provides for materials for integrated nano-electronic optoelectronic structures research and development, the DOD said.
This task order award was based on multiple-award contracts with a $75 million shared ceiling.
The focus here will be paving the way toward the realization of advanced intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance, and electronic warfare capabilities for air and space applications at the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL), Materials and Manufacturing Directorate at Wright-Patterson, where work will be performed.
Work is expected to be completed by July 30, 2029.
This contract was a competitive acquisition, and the DOD received three offers.
Similarly, UES Inc. was also awarded a nearly $12 million contract ($11,997,825) for research within the opto-electronic blueprint for emergent sensing systems program, the DOD said.
Agaoin, the contract provides for the acquisition of materials for integrated nano-electronic optoelectronic structures.
A $74.9 million shared ceiling is at work here, with a similar focus on realizing advanced intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance, and electronic warfare capabilities for AFRL.
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