After planning commission recommended denial of Madden’s request, he withdrew the plans before they could be considered by city council.
Late last month, Madden submitted a new and scaled-back request.
This second set of plans would see the construction of additional, fully enclosed, storage units for boats and RVs at the rear of the property, a marked difference from the initial, withdrawn plans.
The new request was tabled by planning commission last week, with commission members requesting additional information from the developer.
The commission will revisit the issue during its April 2 meeting.
Madden’s original request involved extensive plans to develop a “modern retail center,” a restaurant/coffee shop, a ”pocket park,“ and additional storage space in front of the business, in what is now a large parking lot.
The expansion of the storage business would have included the addition of multiple rows of outdoor storage garages. The current 84,000-square-foot Extra Space Storage business is an all-indoor facility.
The new plans would have a more minimal effect on the property, which sits on 9.6 acres of land along the city’s main thoroughfare.
“By placing the buildings at the rear of the property, the existing facility will provide a buffer to essentially and effectively minimize the buildings from being visible from West National Road or Union Boulevard,” he wrote. “It is also important to note that boat and RV is very low intensity storage use and would only result in a very minimal increase in traffic to the site, which would occur behind the existing building.”
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