Have questions about records requests? Ask our Sunshine Week panel

Sunshine Week 2025

Sunshine Week 2025

Our news organization takes its role as government watchdog very seriously - but we can’t do it alone. Citizens can request public records to learn more about how their governments and elected leaders operate, though the process can be intimidating if you aren’t aware of your rights and the rules regarding these requests.

That’s why we are hosting a lunch-and-learn virtual panel discussion on Wednesday, March 19 as part of our Sunshine Week coverage. Our panelists will talk through their experiences with record requests and answer questions you might have about the process.

Panelists include:

  • Kate Bostdorff, Communications Director for the City of Centerville
  • Julio Mateo, government transparency activist
  • Josh Sweigart, Investigations Editor for the Dayton Daily News

The discussion will be moderated by Nick Hrkman, Community Impact Editor for the Dayton Daily News.

You can watch the live panel discussion on our YouTube channel.

Sunshine Week is a nonpartisan collaboration among groups in the journalism, civic, education, government and private sectors that shines a light on the importance of public records and open government. This year, Sunshine Week runs from March 16 through March 22.

You can ask your question during the live event in the comments, or you can email your question in advance to edletter@coxinc.com.