How do you pronounce Clyo Road? Reddit users answer that and other street and city pet peeves

Centerville Police plan to increase patrols in areas of the city they have identified as high-accident areas. Wilmington Pike between Whipp and Clyo Roads. JIM WITMER/STAFF



Centerville Police plan to increase patrols in areas of the city they have identified as high-accident areas. Wilmington Pike between Whipp and Clyo Roads. JIM WITMER/STAFF

A recent question posted on a Dayton subreddit thread asked, “How do you pronounce Clyo Rd?”

The post elicited almost 100 comments in less than a day. Responders to the post expanded the question, offering up other places in the region with debatable pronunciations.

Here are a few from the list and some reader answers on how they pronounce them.

Clyo Road

“Kly oh”

“Cly (like fly with a c) - O.”

“KL-lie-oh for me. Welcome to the area!”

“Like Ohio. Cleye o.”

“Washington Township Fire Department does indeed pronounce it as “Kly-Oh”

Waterviliet Avenue

“Water-vill-eat forever!”

“The first time I heard someone pronounced it, they called it “Water-vill-et” so that’s how I say it lol.”


Heincke Road

“Used to work with someone who had that as her last name. She told me it’s pronounced like the beer, but without the N.”

“When I moved to the area, I had heard someone pronounce it “Hi-neh-key” and never looked closely at the spelling until years later. I still don’t know whether or not that’s correct.”

Maue Road

“I actually don’t know how this one is pronounced. I say it like the Hawaiian island”

Forrer Boulevard

“I pronounce it Forr-errr.”


Siebenthaler Road

“See Ben Thaller (rhymes with Taller).”

Rahn Road


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