Superintendent Mario Basora said remnants of that vandalism are ongoing in a letter issued Friday.
“Many buildings in our district have been forced to create a schedule for bathroom use or use hallway monitors to reduce opportunities for destructive behavior,” Basora said.
The district this week became aware of other challenges, including ones that encourage “smacking a staff member” and “kissing someone’s girlfriend at school,” he said.
“We are extraordinarily concerned that continued student participation in these challenges will not only disrupt our learning environment, but also increase our students’ risk of suspension or expulsion,” Basorasaid. “Students who inappropriately touch or place their hands on another student or staff member can also face legal consequences. … These actions are not OK and will not be tolerated.”
Basora asked families to talk about the TikTok challenges and the grave consequences for those who participate as well as students who record and share the videos.
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