Miami Twp. trustee resigns effective the end of September

John Morris, who has served as a Miami Twp. trustee for more than six and a half years, has resigned.

Morris, who was elected in 2017 and re-elected in 2021, told Dayton Daily News Tuesday evening that he submitted his resignation letter for the position that day, to take effect Sept. 30.

“(That) gives trustees through October to find a suitable candidate to fulfill my term,” he said.

That term would end as 2025 wraps up and his replacement, if he or she chose to do so, would need to get on the November ballot of that year for a chance to remain in the role.

Morris took a job earlier this year as president and CEO of Associated Builders and Contractors Northern California Chapter, leaving his job as president of Associated Builders and Contractors (ABC) Ohio Valley and then stepping down as executive director of Home Builders Association (HBA) of Dayton.

With his family relocated to California, where his employer is located, he said that he intended to maintain residence in Miami Twp. and with it, his elected role in local civic life.

But in his resignation letter Tuesday to township Administrator Chris Snyder and trustees Don Culp and Terry Posey Jr., Morris said that his employer asked him to take on additional responsibilities, which was going to require extensive travel.

“It was my understanding at that time that this was to last for a minimum period of three months, up to six months maximum,” Morris said. “I informed Mr. Snyder of this situation and that I would work to the best of my abilities to schedule travel around, my abilities to attend township meetings, fulfilling my ongoing duties as trustee as I’ve been bounced all across the country, essentially living in hotels and Airbnbs.”

Morris said that he has missed more meetings over the past six months than in his full six years prior combined.

“This has been very difficult for me, but my service as a trustee and dedication to our township has not waivered,” he said. “I have continued to participate in committee meetings, remotely and in person when possible, answered emails and phone calls from residents and staff attended as many trustee meetings as I could, casting important votes, regardless of my ability to continue to serve the township in this manner.”

Morris told this news outlet that he expected the extended travel requirements to be finished by now, but when it wasn’t, “I didn’t want to keep not being able to make as many meetings as I felt the township deserved.”

Morris said the expansion and creation of a new parks plan is among his most proud accomplishments as trustee. “When I came on board, we had public parks and neighborhoods that were empty, and now they’ve got full playsets for children to enjoy, we’ve got new materials,” he said.

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