Miamisburg appoints new school board member

Nila Taylor Getter (right) was sworn in as a member of the Miamisburg City School District Board of Education, Tuesday, April 25, 2023, by Miamisburg Mayor Michelle Collins (left) with her daughter, Elisabeth Middleton, at her side. CONTRIBUTED

Nila Taylor Getter (right) was sworn in as a member of the Miamisburg City School District Board of Education, Tuesday, April 25, 2023, by Miamisburg Mayor Michelle Collins (left) with her daughter, Elisabeth Middleton, at her side. CONTRIBUTED

Miamisburg City Schools Board of Education appointed its newest member this week.

Nila Getter fills the vacancy of former board member Tim Lewis, who served on the board since January 2020 and resigned effective April 7.

She said in her application that her primary goal is “to provide a safe and healthy environment for optimal education opportunities for all students.”

Getter, who was sworn in Tuesday, is a lifelong Dayton area resident and a Miamisburg High School graduate. She is a registered nurse employed by Kettering Health Network with various clinical, management, finance, administrative and support roles, including the emergency department, intensive care unit and supply chain management.

She also is a former adjunct professor at Kettering College of Medical Arts, a former board president of Association of Healthcare Value Analysis Professionals and a former board member of Dayton Organization of Nurse Executives and Ohio Organization of Nurse Executives.

“I’ve lived in Miamisburg almost my entire life and so for my adult life I’ve been in service,” she told Dayton Daily News. “This is just an opportunity for me to continue to serve my community.”

Getter earned a bachelor’s degree in nursing from Miami University and a master’s degree in nursing from Andrews University.

She said she volunteers at Helping Hands Food Pantry in Miamisburg and is on the worship team and various committees at Miamisburg Christian Church, where is a vacation Bible school nurse. She said she previously served as a youth group leader there.

The district received 11 applications for the position, including Getter’s.

“I was truly humbled (to be selected) because I’m sure that the other applicants were very qualified,” she said.

According to the district, Getter’s record of volunteerism and “her experience and enthusiasm for public education made her an ideal candidate for this role.”

School board Vice President Ann Niess said that all candidates that stepped up to apply were excellent, but Getter’s health care background brings “a different perspective and talent” to the board.

Also, “she’s extremely dedicated to the time and training a board member must be part of in order to contribute to our district,” Niess said.

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